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Isle of Man Update


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Right then!

The date for the IoM trip next year will be July 7th - 11th 2003.

This date is provisional until we can get confirmation from the ferry people about their schedule for 2003.

The plan is.....

Monday 7th July, all travel up to Liverpool, meet up and get the ferry over at about 5pm-ish

Tuesday - Thursday, blast around the island scaring everyone and their sheep!!

Friday 11th - meet up for a quick final blast and get the early-ish ferry back to Liverpool and the long drive home!

Idea of costs....

Ferry crossing including car and 1 person - £148

B&B - £10-20pp pn = £80 max for 4 nights (have found the B&B's to be about £12 - £16 per night)

Food/Beer - ??

Petrol - ??

So looks quite a good price!

People have asked whether partners can come - yep bring anyone you like, am hoping to convince my father to come with me just so I stand a chance incase I break down!! :0  :p

People noted as interested so far......

Hogman (obviously)





Jon Murray

Roger Chamley


Turbo Tommo

So anyone else for a piece of the action?

Am hoping to get some discount on the ferry and B&B bookings so fingers crossed we may get it alittle cheaper!



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blast around the island scaring everyone and their sheep!!

What harm have those sheep ever done to you  :devil:  :D  :p  :devil:  :sheep:  :D  :)  :devil:

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Kev, have you a deadline for definate yes/no's?

I would really love to put my name down, but it rather depends on whether I get a car finished in time.....

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Added you both to the list of interested!

Theres no hard date at the mo for definate yes/no as the 2003 ferry schedule hasnt been finallised yet!

So will keep you posted as it approaches!

Looking good for a large WSCC contingent at the IoM next year then!!  :D  :0  :p  ;)



PS Studbuckle - you got a date for the next coast to coast yet?

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