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Motorsport At Crystal Palace 26&27Th May

Mark (smokey mow)

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Theres been a couple of posts on the forum briefly mentioning this already. This weekend Sat 26th and Sunday 27th May racing will return to the Crystal Palace circuit for a 2 day sprint in the park on a section of the old circuit, as with previous years they'll also be a large number of classic cars on display and a few trade stands. The competition cars will be parked up amongst the trees in the park and the paddock is very much open and accessible to the public for them to walk around safely.

I've attended the previous 2 years as a spectator and this year will be competing at the event for the first time on the Sunday, If you see me come and say hello :t-up: I shall be in car 81 :)

An entry list of cars competing on each of the days can be found here

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I was just about to enquire who might be going, or participating.

I went last year, it was a good day out and unusal to see the park used for such an event, though well organised. I will definitely be going again with a few friends this year though I had planned on going on Saturday as it's more convenient for the others. If we do go on Sunday I'll definitely come say hello, either way I wish you luck Mark.

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Thanks, there should be a couple of us there from the WSCC and I believe Windy will be taking his Escort.

I should be around on Saturday too, so I also get to watch some of the racing :) if you see anyone wearing WSCC merchandise and taking lots of photos it'll probably be me :d

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Thanks, there should be a couple of us there from the WSCC and I believe Windy will be taking his Escort.

I should be around on Saturday too, so I also get to watch some of the racing :) if you see anyone wearing WSCC merchandise and taking lots of photos it'll probably be me:D

Will do my best to keep an eye out for you. Of course if you spot something loud and orange entering the car park give me a shout

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I am not going to be there on Sunday now

(Was meant to be car 80) as the front chassis had broken up.

Luckily I found it when starting the prep for this event.

Found 8 breaks so far how the front was still in place I will never know.

Hope the day goes well for you.

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That's unlucky Simon :down: sorry to hear that. I hope you get it sorted and are back out again soon.

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Yes I'm there. Colin Robbins is also entered in his Viva GT.

Is anyone about Sat evening for a BBQ and some beers? If so come say hello. I'll be camping in the paddock as I'm doing both days.

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I'm driving up saturday lunchtime so i can watch some of the racing and likewise will be camping in the paddock so i'll come and say hi :t-up: i shall probably be dining at the fish and chip shop opposite the gate :d

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Well what a superb weekends racing :t-up: definitely couldn't have asked for better. Clear skies, sunshine, large crowds and as ever a fine turn out of cars running in the park.

Here's a few of my favourites :cool:











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Thanks Windy for the BBQ saturday evening and congrats on getting two class wins :t-up: and beating the Pilbeam :cool:

I was quite chuffed with a 5th in class angainst some tough competition, I never had a hope of beating the Radical :oops:

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