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The Gite Is Ready. Bookings Now Being Taken.

Norman Verona

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As long as it's "almost" - you know I take a humorist view of life.

But I forget to mention that I was taken into hospital with a suspected heart problem. Went to doctor at 12:00 he rang the local hospital and I was with the senior cardiologist at 14:00. He had me admitted and wired up. The next day HM had a panic attack and was on the helicopter to Nantes hospital, "Soin Intensive" (intensive care). The hospital is enormous, I parked in the car park by the NE corner and it took me 10 minutes to walk diagonally to the SW corner.

I laugh at this now, HM doesn't - yet.

I noticed that all the departments I walked past had as the "manager" a doctor or proffesor. I asked my friend, a GP about this and he just didn't understand the NHS with all the non-medical managers.

Anyway, the sun is shining and I'm probably the only one not out in the car.

I'm laying floor tiles.

Ed to add that you can read all about the second phase of our medical history HERE

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I always find laughing best, beats crying! :d

Certainly been a tough couple of years for you both recently; I always worry when we don't hear from you for a while...

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We go to the UK 4 times a year for Board meetings. Other than that I'll probably post at least once a day.

That's me - always talking - usually b0llocks.

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Would you be able to take bookings for next year? All holidays allocated this year, but would be great to come over next year.


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John, I think it may be better to wait a while - anything can happen between now and then.

I'll make a diary entry to pm you next March. Is that OK?

Diary entry made for 13/03/13

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Looks like we're going to be very busy.............. next year!


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Norm, I'd love to plan a trip for later in the year - we could compare saw scars.... Will PM you. Hope Mrs Norm is well. TTFN James

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Norm. I may interested in visiting you in a couple of month but we're waiting on a date for SWMBO's op.

Need to check the maps and see roughly how far it is from Roscoff though.

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James, will watch out. Today I'll be finishing the top stairs and start laying tiles in the "day room". We have a kitchen, a lounge and another room downstairs. This room has a TV, a suite of furniture, my desk and office stuff. It also has, in one corner a small utility room. This has the boiler, a toilet, the washing machine, hooks on the wall for the vacuum cleaners, brooms, mops, buckets etc. Then there is sufficient room for 2 clothes horses. But the clothes horses are outside because this area has....vacuum cleaners, brooms, mops, buckets etc.

So we started by calling it the office. But it's not, it's a second lounge. So I've decided to call it the "day room"


Roscoff is about 3 - 4 hours drive. That's an educated guess as I've never done it but you have to cross Brittany diagonally and, until you get to Rennes, the going may be slow. I'll study a map and come back later.

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Hi Norm, Hope Lynne is well :) , and you have stopped injuring yourself! ???

We stayed at Norm's a couple of years ago, great for a chill out :cool:. We went in the tin top but wished we had taken the Westy all the time we were there. :yes:

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Hi Mark, I've stopped injuring myself for the moment. Have to wait for the last one to heal before I do something else ;)

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Journey is nowhere near as bad as I thought. Leave Roscoff on the D58* you go around St Pol De Leon and D58 becomes a dual carriageway. At Morlaix you turn left on the N12 (probably sign posted "Rennes". Keep on this road, which is Dual Carriageway all the way to Rennes (Past Guingamp, St Brieucthe Rennes). Follow the Rocade (ring road) at Rennes to Nantes/Angers. go past the N137 (to Nantes) and take J5 to Angers. Follow this road to the roundabout at Pouance.(about 30 minutes) Pounce is right, Reneze and Croan are left. Go straight over and follow the D/C to the next exit and follow signs to Armialle, at Armialle turn left over the bridge, go round the front of the church and out of the village. We are 3rd on the right. There is a row of conifers at right angles to the road and our entrance is just past this. (there is also a X junction sign). If you get to Noellet you've gone too far.

* Be careful with French road numbers as they change like a ******s knickers.

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If you use the Plymouth / Roscoff ferry route - I would recommend the overnight crossing and grab a cabin - its a relaxed way of travel and gives you the chance to shower and freshen up for the drive ahead which is then more enjoyable - the drive from Roscoff is an easy one - its the port I always use, altho my drive is only 60 mile

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