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Westy Duratec To An Atom Or R400?


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in answer to your first question................. Yes !! :-)

i think you should dig deep into those pockets... and buy an R500 so i can get a go !!

It's in these times of pain that you know who you're friends are....................Mark!

I've just had a good drive in an R400, a think on the way home, a row with the wife who knows I have more money than sense and now I am opening a bottle of Barcardi. The solution to all problems :d

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sounds like there is nowt wrong with the car - just that you bought the wrong car (I know the feeling but have enjoyed changing the car over the 4 years of ownership)

with your location being the main issue I would sell and either buy a quicker westy or the caterham

you will be looking at 5k ish to get the sort of power I reckon you want - and then you would be stuck with the gearbox that would be letting the rest of the car down

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A Caterham is a fair bit smaller than a Westfield so worth checking that you will fit.

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I have never driven a car that was too fast, I even drove a TVR Cerbera about 15 years ago and it didn't feel too fast, just crap handling which is why I never bought it, I bought an M3 instead, another crap handling car. I even drove a friends Testarossa on the track and after diving the nuts off it left it back think 'what a disappointment!' not worth 80k or what ever it was back in 1998.

As I said earlier a Fireblade is the only thing I thought was fast, even then it wasn't too much for the track, just more than you needed on the road!

I think my history in kart racing is too blame for this need of more power, the constant need to reduce lap times!

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A Caterham is a fair bit smaller than a Westfield so worth checking that you will fit.

I have driven a few Cat's and I know I fit but they are small! At least the Westy has a little foot rest for the left leg, in a Cat if you have more than size 10's it's hard not to hit the brake and the throttle together.

TBH they are a better drive and better screwed together but NO WAY are they worth as much as they seem to sell for over a Westfield.

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I agree with that Alex, they may have a edge on build quality, but I looked into it and just couldn't justify nearly 40k. I wanted something for a bit of fun,

With regards to Ferrari, drive a 458 Italia, or a 458 Spider if you get the chance ( Latter is only just coming over in right-hand drive). I delivered one of the very first.

I've delivered most of the new Ferrari range, they're far, far better than the typical old "Magnum" stuff.

Admittedly the ones I deliver are generally brand new, and obviously I can't abuse them, but I've driven them enough to realise why they're 200-300k. Just a shame I'm not likely to be able to buy one to take home. :down:

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I have installed the new fireblade (08 engine with slipper clutch) and it is very quick and the car is light so well balanced as well. Clutch cable so its easy to drive but I am not sure anyone else done this yet. My previousWestfield sprint cars were all around 300bhp so I am used to power but these little sewing machines are cheap power.

I have driven Cateringvans quite a bit including Silverstoen GP circuit and Brands - They are well balanced but a bit dull and way way overpriced

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When both are at the best the Caterhams do have a very slightly different feel to the Westfields, but there's very, very little in it.

However, in terms of handleing particulalry, while Caterhams are all, on the whole not to far off being the best, Westfields I've steadily come to understand aren't. I'm not sure why this should be, I don't know if it's the more "kit car" perception of Westfields that's led to (comparatively) low expectations, or whether it's the almost grim determination some seem to have for avoiding specialist help with our cars.

I suppose there's some slight advantage in the standard Series 3 and SV's slightly more limited suspension adjustability compared to an Independant Westfield. But it just seems so, so many of the Westfields out there have never been properly set up chassis wise, most are probably nearly there, many seem to be just set to the factory settings, maybe lowered slightly and that's it.

But the factory settings are just a compromise, with a large dose of "get you through SVA and now IVA" thrown in. There are lots of specialists round the country now who really know how to get the best handling out of our cars now, though I'm not sure how you fair in Ireland :( sorry. Driving a Westfield that's been to one of these specialists is a real revelation, compared to the run of the mill "factory set" car. It's not just the precision and sharpness of the handling, it's the feel and the degree to which they come alive too.

Thankfully, I've noticed recently there does seem to be a sea change in Westfield owners attitudes, where seeking professional services on our cars isn't quite as looked down on as it once was.

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i have owned a atom , while they are a sort of desirable car and everyone fancies one , i can say they are errrrrm overated and totally impractial

when driving them you have to be smooth very smooth or its hello scenary , personally i prefer my stripped out supercharged honda exige i get far more plesure from it than i ever could have had out of the atom if i were you i would maybe build a lightweight westy or caterham for the job you want it to do they will give you far more enjoyment and are more forgiving than the atom and probably cheaper as anything atom you can add a few more 0's on the price

though i prefer to be dry in my exige

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Did Bacardi work? Westy for sale yet?

I reckon you will struggle to get the power/feel you need and keep the road friendly kit, certainly at a sensible cost.

Either buy the caterham, spend a wedge on the westy to get what you want....... Or.....

Forget the road work, buy a stripped out car, bung a blade in... Get back to wheel to wheel racing... You know you what to.... Just forget about the $$ ! You can't take it with ya

I will let Tara help with set up etc, you know how good she is!

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Why don't you get a bike and have the best of both worlds?

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I have had bikes for 10 years, now I don't (except for a Motocrosser) hence the reason I now own a Westfield!

Got to thinking more and more that bikes are not worth the risk on N.Ireland crappy surfaced and busy roads, do miss 1000bhp/ton, I would be happy with 500bhp/ton in a light car.....................

I think an Atom is just a step too far into the ridiculous!

I am saving for an R500 with a sequential box right now :d

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ha - now you're talking sense... although if you spent ~10K on your existing motor you could have ~240Hp a seq box.. and all the road friendly stuff you want.

you'll be into 20K ++ on top of your car to get a caterham to anywhere close to that spec.

get your hands down into those pockets and go do it !

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Would have liked to have a good chat with everyone, we never good a good chance though.

It was a good run out though I thought the guys at the front where pushing on a bit too hard because the ones at the back always have to go faster to keep up due to traffic passing opportunities. There where a few near misses! Would have been good to have a small printed route map with approximate meeting times and then you could go whatever speed you wanted.

Be an idea to maybe have a run down to the next trackskills day where some people could do it and the rest spectate, laugh and blag passenger runs! I think most people would enjoy that, it's on the 17th June, I intend doing it and I think Greg does as well.

Your car was made for the track Peter!

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