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Cambridge Area Meeting Sunday 27Th May


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thanks for the PM - message sent out to all my contacts Chaz :t-up:

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Kev Greaves is coming in his MK R1 :t-up:

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I'll be there

Excellent mate

Pleased to hear it


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Enjoy your ride out guys great weather for it :cool:

Was thinking of coming along on the bike but haven't quite got it 100% yet and don't think me or the bike would keep up anyway, now have a bbq to go so enjoy!

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more than welcome to jump in with me Dave - just get your ass to mine for 6.45 if you sh#% the bed ;-)

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Sorry, not going to make it. On baby duty tonight.

Maybe next time.

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Hope you all had a great time, would have loved to join you. Unfortunately, we had new windows fitted yesterday so I've spent the morning refitting blinds etc, plus Megan is in Peterborough with Sea Cadets rowing so we have to go there too. One day, if I'm very good, I'm sure I'll be able to make it.

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Drag racing up and down the car park at Grafam Water was fun :t-up:

Home at 10:55, not too shabby.

Thanks to all those that came along, a great way to start a Sunday.


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Had fun :d would of been better if hadnt bent the front lower wisbone with some stuped old git changing lanes without looking i was there :angry: and forcing me up the kerb


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I even played my Matt monroe CD........

Nope hage on it was Kasabian.

Drag racing was fun as we all dragged someone elses car.....gently as well

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enjoyed a couple of little blasts in Bryans car - fealt quick once the turbo spooled up

looking forwards to trying Tonys car at Whittering

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