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Cambridge Area Meeting Sunday 27Th May


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We are due to have our area meeting on Sunday 27th May.

I fancy an early doors blat, home between 12 noon and 1pm

What takes your fancy?


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I've got the car back, so i dont care what time chaz :laugh:

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There must be more want a blat than just HB and I

I was thinking that we meet up at 7:00 to 7:30am and blat until noon(ish) when the traffic starts to build up with maybe a brekkie stop thrown in.

I have loads of family stuff that has to be done in the afternoon and besides much of the fun goes out of a blat when you are stuck behind the "Sunday Driver Club"


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I can probably make it, wasn't sure if I would have to work, but think I'm ok.

Echo Langys thoughts on the F1 though!

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I am up for an early morning run Chaz :t-up: if the weather is nice what about a run out to a country house like Burghley or somewhere more centrral if you can think of anywhere - perhaps we can take cakes and a flask of tea - livin the dream hey :blush:

I too dont want to be out for too long as family stuff beckons - think the coast may be a bit too far for me with the time I have

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I could pack me straw hat and pickanic set, cooler for the champers and everything. Might be able to do a bit, but struggling for time

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I'd like to try and come along. Where do you usually meet ?

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I'd like to try and come along. Where do you usually meet ?

Hi there

not sure what the plan is yet - keep dipping into here for when Chaz decides what we are doing!

Look forwards to seeing you


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Sorry guys, I have been flat out at work, Cubs, Explorer Scouts and not getting home till all sorts of stupid hours.

It'd be good to meet up central(ish) to everybody.

How about the Brampton Hut services on the A14/A1M for 7am.

We then have the option for some good roads from there.

Can anybody suggest a brekkies around that area?


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That's a plan then.

So we have

Me in the VX

HB in the nail

Cleggy in the track day refugee.

Dick in Trevor

Bardolphs in a Westy

Mark B in the lawnmower

Langly in the purple throbber

MJ in the Fiat.

Meet up at Brampton serevices between 07:00 and away by 07:30.

I'm aiming to be home by 11:30am.


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