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Curborough Sprint School


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Hi all

Is there going to be a sprint school this year on the saturday morning of the Westfield weekend. If yes, is there a cost, who's eligable, how do I get my name down for it.



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Hi Dave,

We are intending to have one again and everything is in hand to make it happen.

If you would like to put your name down then please email competition@wscc.co.uk and I will add you to the list.

You will be pleased to know that there is NO COST and you even get to drive the track a couple of times at the end :d :d

The guys that run it have years of expereince behind them and people that attend always feel it's been very worthwhile.

Look forward to seeing you there.

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Just wondering but what is sprint school and what do you have to do to join in?


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Just to give people more details:-

To attend you must be a WSCC member. You will need a car, Helmet, Road Driving Licence.

It will sart at 10am on Saturday the 16th June, there is NO charge, all the people involved give their time freely.

This is the program from 2011 to show you what we cover, the intention is to give people and understanding of Sprinting & Hillclimbing and what it is about. It's a very good idea if you think there is a chance you may want to compete in the future or in fact if you have joined the Speed Series this year.


Start Time 10.00

Sprint School drivers assemble in marquee

(WSCC members only)

  • Welcome and Introductions

  • Beginners guide - equipment and requirements.

  • Event officials, who are they and what’s their role, Course safety and Marshals.

  • Basic Car preparation required prior to a sprint and what to expect at Scrutineering,

  • Curborough track lines and driving.

  • Track walks for students in groups of 2 or 3 with our ‘experienced drivers’,

  • All assessors trackside, all drivers to start line (numbers Attached and Cars warmed up.

  • Practice runs commence (1 car on track only) single lap (Short Circuit) 2 runs per Driver

  • Track Session Finishes, drivers return to marquee for debrief

  • Driver assessment debriefs.

  • School closes. around 12:30

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Just wondering but what is sprint school and what do you have to do to join in?

Phil, it is a club organised school for people attending Curborough on the Saturday before the Club sprint, mainly aimed at people who haven't competed before but also to those who have maybe only done a couple of evens, there is a briefing session where all the essentials are covers such as car prep, licence application, safety gear etc etc. After this has finished then you go on a track walk in small groups each led by an 'expert' to show you the startline etiquette, starting technique and suggested lines. Finally, you go out (on you own) for a couple of observed runs followed by a debrief where your driving style is commented on and possible areas of improvements are suggested. It's all very informal and is intended to help anyone thinking of using their car 'in anger'.

After the school finishes you have an ideal opportunity to put the suggestions into practice at the Club track day session which is all Saturday afternoon :yes::d

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B*ll*cks, I spend all that time typing and Nick does a cut 'n paste :bangshead::laugh:

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Cheers guys. I doubt my car will be ready for then but may pop down anyway

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B*ll*cks, I spend all that time typing and Nick does a cut 'n paste :bangshead::laugh:

I always was quicker than you Pete :p:d:cool:

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Can I come in my van ;)

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Cheers guys. I doubt my car will be ready for then but may pop down anyway

You are welcome to attend the school, it's better with a car to drive at the end, but not a problem if you don;t have one.

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I am organising the Curborough Sprint School again this year and hopefully I will be able to provide better weather than I managed last year.

I expect the format to be much the same as last year and Nick has already published that along with other details. The course is intended for first timers and those who are tempted to try sprinting and want to know more.

The school is free but you must be a WSCC member, you will also need a helmet, a UK driving licence and a car; a Westfield is desirable but not essential though we will draw the line at Transits or MB Sprinters. A normal road car will be fine.

Places are limited so if you want to enter drop me a PM, I will need to know:

  • Your name
  • WSCC membership No
  • A contact phone number
  • e-mail address
  • What car you are planning on using.

It's first come first served but if you have already sent your details to Nick then you are enrolled and I will be in touch


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Still places available on the Curborough Sprint School.

How can you resist something thats free :d

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Is there any track time available in the afternoon on Saturday?

Yes, it is the trackday. More accurately track halfday!

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