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Finally On The Road


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After almost exactly 4 years to the day from when I picked up the starter kit, I finally got the car on the road.

Thanks to all who helped me, especially the guys over on the FM Westfield forum, Mark for countless pictures on his site and posts on how to fill in forms and Dean for keeping pestering me to update my blog and get it finished.

I'm convinced the wettest April on record is purely down the timing of when I finished it.

Done over 200 miles dodging in and out of the showers and it's amazing.


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HTH :t-up: enjoy the car :cool:

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well done and enjoy - post some pics plz :t-up:

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Congrats Graham, yours is one of the blogs that's been permanently open since I started mine! :yes:

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Blimey graham! Congratulations. I thought you were going down Adams route of the longest build ever.

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Hi Graham, I used your blog to help work out some issues I had on my build. Great to see you got it finished and on the road. Congrats :t-up:

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