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Seriously Whats Going On With Climate Change ?


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Stick to the subject please gents, I haven't the time for moderation today - thanks.

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Whether you believe all the 'global warmimg' stuff or not you can't argue that we aren't consuming the planet at an alarming rate. Personally I don't want my kids or grandkids dying a horrible cancerous death, regardless of our successive species supposedly waiting in the wings, so I try to refrain from being completely dismissive of the subject. As much as I would like to pay less tax.

Save the planet

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OK, to balance this debate.....

Removed as I hadn't seen the Americans plea to stick to something. ;)

(Sorry Capt'n - am I forgiven?)

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Aye, that's just it Young Pretender. We won't be around when (if) the effects are properly felt. If we are collectively making a complete balls-up of the planet, it won't be until 2-3 generations down the line when we start running out of resources.

... leading to scores of rabbid zombie robots prowling the earth and feeding on the residual oil in our human braaaains, machines harvesting the power from humans kept in elevating glass bowls of snot, leading to a young computer hacker called Neo to one day break free. Is that what you want? That's what'll happen!

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I do believe though, Ingenuity is the Mother of Invention, it is so true, when our backs are up against the wall we will come up with something to assist. I dare say the water powered car is already out there, probably bought up by the oil companies just so they can make a couple more quid first.

We can't carry out having more and more people on the planet and expect it to cope, it is a finite resource so we should try and make it last, but everyone is only interested in their own ends, Greed is what stops us. The one thing that makes me think of the whole world is the fact that we are using the same water today that there has ever been, thats recycling!

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Completely agree Vinny, except

I dare say the water powered car is already out there, probably bought up by the oil companies just so they can make a couple more quid first.

You didn't serisouly believe that one did you?

The water thing happens on a lot smaller scale than that, the people in London drink the water the people in Oxford have already drank, and they drink the water the people in Lechlade have drank, and they drink the ...

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I also believe that when the oil becomes too expensive to extract us humans will come up with alternative power sources. After all, since we stood up a walked we have solved all the problems mother nature has thrown at us.

As for population growth I understand the problem but also understand the solution. There are vast tract of land where no one lives and little grows. It's only a matter of money to solve both problems and have people living in these, currently, inhospitable places. Put another way, it's only a matter of money.

We have been suffering water shortages for the past several years. Yet if you go to, say, Israel where it hardly rains there is no water shortage because they know it's a scarce commodity and look after it and turn sea water into drinking water. Just a matter of money.

Now I'm running at 6000 rpm on full throttle, the NHS, schools, local services, libraries etc are all a matter of money. If we stopped sending our youth to kill others (and getting killed themselves) and spending billions on "advisors" and civil servants we could solve all these problems at a stroke. IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF MONEY.

ed to add, I'm not aware of a water powered car but I have seen evidence of oil companies buying up inventions that will reduce our dependency on their product.

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Won't anybody think of the cuddly polar bears? :cry:

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Manmade climate change does not exist - it's just a fabulous bandwagon for politicians, taxmen and scientists. None of whom will knock it if they can get votes/money from it whilst appearing to care about the planet.

Read Christopher Booker's 'Scared to Death' - it explains the scare story process excellently. Manmade climate change is simply the biggest scare story ever told.

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I can remember in the Seventies (just) that the experts said climate change would make everything cold, not hot. Seems like a load of tosh to me, by the time we can affect the climate we will have run out of the fossil fuels to burn!

Its a lot of tosh, the fact that it was called "Global Warming" and then a few years ago renamed to "Climate Change" kind of indicates this. The climate change is normal as evidenced all around us, fossils, gorges, etc.

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Hang on, 10 million years ago this planet was living in an ice age, then a little later it was a tropical rain Forrest, now we are whinging that's it's a little cold or a little hot?!

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Not just whinging about it but trying to change it by throwing billions at it. Being 'green' (and thus taxing green) to such an extent is a luxury that can only be afforded by a seriously affluent economy - unfortunately Europe doesn't have any of those anymore. And you can't disconnect the two - if you don't have the financial power then you can't afford to be green. Simples.

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Won't anybody think of the cuddly polar bears? :cry:

I would, if they hadn't been a party to the great con...

remember this iconic image, the last polar bear used by 'Science' and copied by mainstream media


shame it was photoshopped, you can find the original here, along with this version


same sky, same sea, same floe, shame about the polenguin or should that be pengubear

Never, ever believe anything that the mainstream media say about anything, especially science. I've educated myself over the past two years, at the centre of this entire farce is a small group who have lied to themselves, their peers, the public and successive parliamentary enquiries in pursuit of a cause. A cause that sees the USA alone spend $2.4bn EACH year on climate research, follow the money.

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It's getting like Pistonheads with the number of deniers on here ???

I don't know if what we are seeing now is climate change or normal variance but surely it's common sense that if we pump billions of tons of fumes (of whatever kind) into the air, it's going to have some effect?

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