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Seriously Whats Going On With Climate Change ?


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I was on holiday 4 weeks ago Im Lanzarote and it was a comfortable 23 degrees, we were in shorts all the time but noticed all the locals in coats! speaking to a few brits over there that own bars they were saying its unusually cold for the time of year and we noticed most mornings it either rained or was cloudy but got out sunny in the afternoon, now since we came back a month ago its been s ****e over here rain pretty much every day,I managed a total sum of 6 miles in my car in April since it was registered April 2nd and on both occasions I was out in it I turned back as started to bucket it down!!! and then looked out the window this morning and it was and still is snowing goodness me. Is this a taste of whats to come cos I seriously am running out of reasons for staying in the uk! :(

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The weather this year is seriously wrong :no:

Maybe we'll have an indian summer....... roll on September :cool:

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You are talking about, whinging about, driving about in weather NOT climate. The climate has and will always change, life on earth adapts to that change.

There is zero, none, nada evidence that the Late 20th Century Warm period was 'unusual' in any measured parameter, the false premise that human activity is in any significant way responsible for that 30 year 0.5ºC hike in global mean temperatures has been exposed by the complete failure of the Climatologits predictions of subsequent warming to occur.



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March was amazing wasn't it - it needs to starting from next week (I hope) as the car is really gonna start getting used

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I read an article that said it was very easy to get grants to do studies to prove that human activity is causing climate change. Of course one of the most effective ways to curb this human activity is to tax it. No one will complain that by so doing we are saving the planet.

Try and get a grant to prove the climate change is normal and not created by human activity and you hit a huge wall of rejections.

I also read that we our planet is still warming after the recent ice age, only 10,000 years ago.

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March was amazing wasn't it - it needs to starting from next week (I hope) as the car is really gonna start getting used

it was indeed, the 3 weeks my car was sat in CC midlands getting Iva"d it p******** down the day it returned and hasnt stopped :arse: :A***: :arse: :A***: :angry:

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I can remember in the Seventies (just) that the experts said climate change would make everything cold, not hot. Seems like a load of tosh to me, by the time we can affect the climate we will have run out of the fossil fuels to burn!

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My favourite is when someone gets in the media and says that we're destroying the planet - wrong. We're not that powerful. We are undoubtedly altering the planet in a way which might make it uninhabitable for some current life forms, but when we're dead and gone as a species, the planet will still be here and barely notice our absence.

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... and the ants will take over. Like we arose from the demise of the dinosaurs something will arise when we are gone.

ed to add, as long as it's not in the next 30 years. :)

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Seriously? We don't know, nobody knows for sure, it's all theory and we can google figures either way to predict it will either stay the same or change, and if it changes it'll be down to either natural or human effects. Do we carry on regardless or do we do something about it? ... that's the big call to make.

One thing that would help is people not having so many children because the way we are digging things out of the ground and burning stuff can't go on like this for ever, but every year there are exponenttially more mouths to feed in the world, more houses to build, food to grow, electricity to generate. China, India and Brazil all need thousands more cars a year to support their growing economies. It's not about carbon footprint, renewable energy or hybrid cars, buzzwords and trends are used to gloss over the massive lump of turd in the ointment that the human race is breeding out of control and it's only so long medical advances and engineering can keep the planet inhabitable for people.

Which is why I'm offsetting my carbon footrprint chewing fuel for nothing but pleasure in the Westfield (OK, sometimes I go shopping in it and puick the wife up from teh train station so it's not purely pleasure) by not having children - that and if I had kids I wouldn't have the time or money for my hobbies any more and a child seat wouldn't fit in the Westie.The carbon footprint of a single 1st world child must be enormous.

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The recent spell of cold weather over europe is a consequence of the jet stream ( high altitude winds ) being much further south than usual for the time of year , frontal systems that normally would pass to the north of GB have been centered across or south of the country .

Apparently Its all tied in with ocean temperatures and the "el nino " effect which varies significantly annually , it always has done and always will do .

the Global warming phenonimum was coined by the politicians to enable a whole new taxable ethos , as said the gov reward scientists who are in favour and ignore others who are badged as cranks for disagreeing with the global warming theory

The jet stream was discovered relatavely recently , by accident, when American WW2 bomber pilots began flying at high altitudes .

The first reports of aircraft covering the ground at ridiculous speeds were blamed on faulty instruments .

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The first reports of aircraft covering the ground at ridiculous speeds were blamed on faulty instruments .

Bernie, aeroplanes fly!

I've read and seen (on TV) that global temperatures have always risen and fallen.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a nice warm summer as I dry myself in front of the radiator having been soaked and chilled by the massive change in weather this morning.

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Depending on who you believe, we can google a whole load of research that says it always has and always will be a changing planet, or we could prove the exact opposite with the 'knowledge' the net gives us ... or what we choose to believe. trouble is nobody has invented an alternate reality machine to demonstrate what the world temperature would have been without the humans.

We are seeing more of the record hottest month, the record wettest year, the all time record windiest baked beans. Maybe down to improved/ computerised record taking. Maybe it's us to blame, maybe it's not, should we care? Won't be my kids left to sort out what to do when the climate evolves quicker than we can.

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we are doomed all of us ,we have f***** the planet so much its unreal if we dont kill each other fighting when fuel's start to run out ,you only have to look how bad it wa when we had a threatened strike ,or if that does not kill us we will die anyway when the retard korean's blow us all up , you only have to look at far away uninhabited islands covered in our ****e and litter and also the amount of ****e the indians and chinease pump out into the atmosphere and into rivers and the ground

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Loving the caual racism dropped in there.

Who are the most dangerous, trigger happy nation? The only nation to have fired a nuke in anger is our beloved Americans. God bless America, but those Koreans? Better keep an eye out for them.

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