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F1 (With Spoilers)

Rory's Dad

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Just so delighted for Williams F1 - just wonderful to see Sir Frank beaming from ear to ear - one of the good guys. Well done to the team and to Pastor Maldonardo.

Rory's Dad

PS - isn't MS a miserable git

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Great way to celebrate your 70th, and fantastic to see Williams at the top again.

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Nice to see micheal hasn't changed , blaming everyone and anything for his own dangler ups .

agree up to a point with his tyre comments though , 10 laps and there done is a complete farce , tyres should last a race distance at least IMO , put the racing back on the track not in the pits !

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The tyres are what is making this season so watchable. We have world champions not setting quick times deliberatly so they have more tyres left. We have the choice of tyre set up making such small differances that it is interesting. This year favours no one really as no one is domminant at the moment, if it does favour anyone it is the smooth drivers. It was nice to see williams back on the rostrum as they have had a torrid time, but you must ask what the hell is Maclaren doing with their strategy? Both of their drivers have seen victories thrown away this season for one reason or another and yet they have both driven consistantly well.

This season will go to the wire.

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5 races, 5 different winners, great stuff and nice to see Williams back in the fray. Anyone's guess who will take it all. Shame McLaren seem to have lost the plot in the pits and garages just when their drivers get their acts together.

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Hope everyone is ok and there is not to many injury’s

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What a shock to see the garage go up that fast. luckily so far it seems no one was seriously injured and frank was able to be evacuated.

One of my mates works for Williams and was heavily involved trying to put the fire out. After speaking to him it seems he is ok along with every one else.

The f1 lot are a big family and all those brave mechanics from all the teams trying to put the fire out putting thier own lives at risk. Just lucky for them that all the fuel had been removed from the area as the risk of explosion was rather high.

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Hope they're all doing OK and make a full recovery

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Not a good way to end a succesful race for the team, but at least it looks like there were only minor injuries

Its a good result for Williams, but i did find the whole race the most boring of the season so far

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Its a good result for Williams, but i did find the whole race the most boring of the season so far

Why was that then? Seemed to me to quite a lot of overtaking going on

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Why was that then? Seemed to me to quite a lot of overtaking going on

Not only that, there was a serious chance Mr Coultard might actually wet himself at one point. :laugh:

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there was a serious chance Mr Coultard might actually wet himself at one point.

Makes a change, he seemed to be crapping himself when he drove :)

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It's shaping up to be a cracking season. Bet they're all celebrating with a nice big bowl of Pasta Maldonado.

What on earth can McLaren b******* up next? If it's not the wheel gun or the fuel calculator it's the chimp leaving wheels lying around in the way of the car. What ever next? They'll line him up backwards on the grid in Monaco

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It was good to see Lewis in a better frame of mind for a change despite the qualifying penalty he seemed like he was looking forward to the race and he did a great job.

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