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Britain's Got Talent!

Mid life crisis

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HM just came in and said........

..... wait for it.......

...... are you ready..........

If a dog wins that I'm entering you in Crufts.

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I wish our dog could have done that half a million quid for the yound girl is not a bad few days work. Cowell didn't care who won as the votes make him money, get someone cute, or someone with a sad story and they are made up. read Ben Eltons book Popstar and you will see where he got his ideas from.

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Well I never, unfortunately I was away in Hawes Wensleydale and missed the final. The dog won ehh, can't say I'm too upset about that. bl**** good job they didn't put it on in the pub last night, then I would have kicked off, Theakstones, Black Sheep bliss. It's only a game show.

Bob :d:cry::d:cry:

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Mmm, Black Sheep, did a tour of the brewery a few years ago; I'm told I really enjoyed it, but I, er, don't really remember :blush::d

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Nation of dog lovers

I have spent hours training our spaniel

Now not sure if I trained her or she trained me!

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