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Yep, I'll be there showing how to Pod it V8 style  :D  :D  All torque and no forward motion  :D  :D

Should be at least 3 or 4 other SEiGHTs, and hopefully some WSCC guys from Thames Valley if they haven't all broken their cars after Kemble :0

If you haven't been before, or think it sounds a bit scary then don't panic, come along and join the fun. You don't have to run and it's a real "low pressure" event. You can just watch if you want. The more Westfields we get there the better. The last time I went the only Se7ens there where 4 SEiGHTS and a Dax, so you don't have to worry about too many Catering Van or Moggie snobs.

Only £23 for probably at least 4 runs and generally a good laugh of a day. If you enjoyed the "social" aspect of Mallory Park track day, you'll love Santa Pod, so much to see and talk about  :cool:

For more info check out http://www.santapod.com

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I'm keen but I noticed from the Santa Pod website that open top car drivers have to wear crash helmets. Is this true for RWYB days?

Anyway, will probably go along anyway, so see you there.


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You will need your driving licence to register

You need to wear a hemet

You must wear long trousers and sleeves

And you must tie your arms in with a bit of string (don't really think that bit makes much sense)

No sound limits !! in fact westfields often the quietest cars and otherwise fairly relaxed.

Best to try and arrive early and get good 2 or 3 good runs in from the start. The surface is slippier than the road if not on slicks so launch takes a bit of getting right.  By lunch time it can be very busy with bikes and the max power brigade and you might be lucky to get a couple of runs in all afternoon.

I've only taken the Westfield once before but have spectated a couple of times.  Normally a good day.  I would also expect a few serious machines given the European championships are the following weekend.  If you have never heard or seen a top fuel dragster in action (o- 300mph in under 5 secs) worth it for that alone. Also some of the street legal brigade are an experience to behold (0 - 130 in 5.5 secs, 170 in 8.5 !!!;)

Hopefully see you tomorrow.


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What time do you have to be there?

I have some jobs need doing and if i can ill pop down and give the blade a bash ;)

Hay stu fancy a race ;)

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Runs start at 10:30 (or is it 10: 00 now ?). However you have to register first and then get in the queue  :D  The queue can be quite long, sometimes an hour long during which time you get to push your car a long way...

At least the weather should be fine. Nothing worse than queuing for an hour and then having the rain come down and wash out the rest of the day  :angry:

I'm aiming to get there for 9-9:30 so I can get a good breakfast in me first...

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I need the extra weight to help hold the back end down  :0

Not sure if it counts as "unsprung" weight or not, my stomach certainly springs about a lot if I jump up and down  :D  :p  :D

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If anybody goes and wants their performance data put up on the web with a bunch of other Westies then email me the full details off your best slip and I'll add it to my web page - www.seight.com/perf.html


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Started out at 7 this morning after staying up till 2 changing to light weight seats, and get 5 miles from home and i get big clutch slip, so i went home pouting :(

Let me know what sort of times you get dudes :) have fun

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13.6 was the best of the day. Had a bit of trouble changing from 2nd to 3rd which I'm not too sure of why....got a few ideas...

Next RWYB is 15th Sept. - only 2 weeks ! :D

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A good day but only three westfields on the day.  Very busy so only did three runs but very good weather - sunburnt now.

Ian my best time was 12.49 @ 119.55.  I backed it up with a couple of 12.6's but still struggling for grip with a best 2.3sec 60 ft time. I need softer tyres. An improvement on my previous best so I have emailed you the timing slip.

There was a bond bug three wheeler with an R1 engine running low 12's also - apparently weighs 400kgs (with driver !!;)


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It's pretty clear that anything over a 3.9 has way too much torque at the start for standard road tyres. My best 0-60ft time was 2.09 on the standard factory Avon ZV1s.

Comparing my runs to Jons, we were pretty much identical for the first 1/8th mile (within 6/100's) but after this point his power really kicks in.

Terminal speeds were in the high 90s which I couldn't understand, but then realised it was because I was changing into 5th near the line when I should just have kept going in 4th. Now getting a 102 terminal speed.

I'm considering buying a couple of slicks just for this event, but I'm not sure how effective they will be without real "warming up".

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