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Stoneleigh Today

Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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What a fantastic sight the WSCC area was today.



Well done and many thanks to the committee and all the volunteer helpers for all their efforts :t-up:

And well done to all who attended and made the WSCC area the BIGGEST and best :yes:

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Totally agree Paul, weather turned out excellent, somewhere in the region of 200 cars on the plot, good crack with everyone I spoke with, well organised, friendly banter going on everywhere. I met loads of members for the first time and trying to put faces to alias's remains a challenge but the list of people I did catch up with is long and distinguished. Hats off to everyone for making it a seriously enjoyable day, orange T shirts in abundance in both areas. I even blagged a burger and beer before I headed off home, hope the wind down went well and that it wasn't too cold for the campers last night. Again well done to everyone, too many to mention,

Bob :d :d :d:yes: :yes:

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yup agree with all the above - the atmosphere on the outside stand was fantastic - met loads of members for the first time, had various conversations with new potential members and watched a bunch of men who should know better get slightly tiddly ;-) - lord only knows what happened later :-0

had to tear myself away at the end as I could have quite easily been persuaded to stay if I had of had my tent in the car

big credit to Chaz who puts other people first consistently to ensure that everyone is looked after and has a good time, and Mark J for his part in making everything happen and all of Santas little helpers who made all of us so welcome and did such a good job of organising their areas

hope weather is kind to you guys and gals today

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Fantastic Mancs convoy this year, both numbers, and planning, the new slow drive-by system at the pick up points worked a treat!

We'll have to get you into the convoy next year Bob; being part of a nearly(?) twenty car Westfield convoy rumbling through the town centres, exhaust and all rumbling and bouncing back off the buildings and blasting down the A roads is one of those "moments" of Westfield ownership!

Great day, and another great show by the WSCC well done all, and hope you have another great day today, weather be d*mned!

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Thought our cars looked great yesterday, great to put names to faces and meet members. Will be on the Stondon run on June 24th, lets hope its sunny!

Cheers Ian

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A massive thanks to Chaz (Ian De Chasterlain) and Mark Jackson for putting the event together - has to be the best year yet imho.

Also - huge thanks go to the silly burgers who got as muddy as I did whilst taking the marque down this afternoon!! We could not put this event on each year without a dedicated band of eager volounteers - so many thanks from me.

BTW - my hands are clean now, so I have been to the loo. Apparently, volounteers have thier limits too ;)

Well done all.


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Agreed.Well done Chaz and Mark and their helpers. It's an amazing amount of work that gets put in by a few to make it such a success. Much appreciated.


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It was a great weekend and I'm now officially knackered!

Massive thanks as ever to Chaz and Mark for organising in the background and also keeping it all together over two and bit very long days. Thanks too to all the other members who gave up their time and materials to help make it work.

Thanks too to everyone else in orange t-shirts for their contributions over the weekend. Special thanks to Tony for allowing me to take the p*** and for keeping me sane and, Mate, I'll have that mug away for more 30secs next year ([evil mode] also need to work on getting Ditch's Blat Bart away too.... [/evil mode]) you have been warned…!

And of course thanks to those who pitched up and made the stand the biggest once again! Great to see some familiar faces and looking forward to North Weald this Friday with a few of you.

It did dry up towards the end of Monday and I managed to pack away in the relative dry after assisting with the outdoords take down - however, I was told bl**** show security/HSE would not let me take my car off the indoor stand at about 4pm, then there was a PA announcement saying no engines running and moving cars until 5pm. So like a law abiding Muppet I trooped all the way back to the campsite and somehow Calum and me hauled all our gear over to Hall 2 at around 4:30 only to find mine was the only bl**** Westy left and the door wide open!

Anyway we got away by 5pm and then of course it absobl****lutely p******** it down on the way home - so bad in fact, after going through my sunglasses and then my regular specs it was easier to see without glasses until my eyes started stinging! We got as far as Watford Gap before I called it in until it eased off.

We then enjoyed a great blat on the final few miles after we got off the M1 and got home safe and sound by 7pm, Calum, Westy and Me soaked but glad that we were there, able to help and enjoy the best the weather, the Club and the membership had to offer.

Some pics to follow...

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a Big congratulations to the WSCC committee and volunteers for putting on and welcoming all the Westy owners. Thanks to Chaz for pointing out that my top camber adjuster was loose and then i broke it tightening it up. Met up with a few people who i can now put a face to. The atmosphere and friendliness is heart warming and it makes me realise that there are still a few nice people left in the world. I am now looking forwards to the 11th May when a few of us will be at North Weald.

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Ah, was that you looking for a spanner on the Playskool stand yesterday?

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Big thanks to Chaz and all that volunteered this year to make it such a worth while show to attend, so pleased the weather dance worked for Sunday, Feet are kill'n me !!!.

Chaz photo's on there way to you mate :westy: !!

Ditch. :t-up: :t-up:

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Here's a few photos, nothing special I'm afraid plus something happened to my phone and most of them are low res jobbies :down:

Setting up the inside stand...


Dear Leader, getting a half decent tune outa that too...


Some shots of the outside display...







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And a few more...




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