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Westfield Word Copy Deadline Approaching

Captain Colonial

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May I take this opportunity to remind you that the copy deadline date for the next issue of Westfield World is exactly a fortnight from now.

There are lots of things for you to write about and contribute, and it would be great to see it in print for the benefit and enjoyment of us all. I'm looking forward to your views on Stoneleigh as well.

Please don't be shy or worry that it's not good enough - it's never stopped me contributing to the boardrooms! :laugh:

There have been some fantastic pieces written by members for the mag in the past, and don't forget that not everyone joins us online and only get their info through the magazine. That also means there are some great things you may have written in here that never make the magazine - there's no reason you can't revive them and submit those for publication.

What I would really love is for our wonderful editor Peter Osbourne to call me in a few weeks and roundly curse me for having too much material to edit. It's a lot better than not having enough to create an issue! Send him your material in an email here in the Contacts page. (Preferably saved in .RTF or Rich Text Format please and photos separate from the text in .JPG, .TIFF or .EPS formats - thanks.)

I will say this and keep saying it, now matter how bored you might get of it, because it's true - this is YOUR club - this is OUR club - but it's only as good as what we all contribute. Don't leave it all the writing to the boring committee members and area organisers. Get cracking! :t-up:

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I have written and sent a wee piece for the mag - nowt technical mind

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I have written and sent a wee piece for the mag - nowt technical mind

:t-up: Thank you and top marks!

Wait a minute... it's not that expose on what "certain" members get up to in their private time, complete with the telephoto photos, is it? ???:suspect:

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:t-up: Thank you and top marks!

Wait a minute... it's not that expose on what "certain" members get up to in their private time, complete with the telephoto photos, is it? ???:suspect:

mmm ahh not telling of its content - needless to say it is not all that interesting :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK chaps and chapettes, copy deadline for next issue of Westfield World is this Friday - if you've got something to contribute, this is your last chance to gift us with your wisdom and humour for another three months, so get it in! I'm sure somebody has something unflattering to put into the record about meeting a certain Yank at Stoneleigh...!


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I would contribute but it's a bit difficult not owning a Westfield.

I'll miss this issue and make up a story about the funny side of having 7'eners at La Foie.

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A little techie piece on its way from me...

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Essex write up will be sent by tomorrow night :t-up: just finishing it now

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Thanks all - last comment from I had from Peter was his scepticism over getting submissions for this issue - would love to see him proved wrong! :d

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Mines now sent :t-up: Peter sorry about the size of the email, I didn't realise the pictures were quite so big until after I sent it :oops: Damm these modern digital cameras :blush:

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