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Holly at the factory has asked me to pass the following on to you about the forthcoming Discovery Channel series.....


Coming soon to a TV in your living room

“A Racing Car Is Born”

Starring Mark Evans with his Westfield 1800

TV vet Mark Evans from hit television programmes such as “A Car Is Born”, “A Car Is Reborn”, “A Plane Is Born” and most recently “A Chopper Is Born”, builds his very own Westfield 1800, after which he takes himself and his race team off competing in various types of motorsport events – from Auto Testing in Hatfield to Circuit Racing in Croix en Ternois France changing the car for the various events along the way.  He shows the viewers just how easy it is to obtain a racing licence and how to find an area of club motorsport to enjoy.

The television series, consisting of 15 episodes, will be televised in September on Discovery Home and Leisure

Dates of the first showings are:

Episodes 1 – 6 24th September 02

Episodes 6 – 10 1st October 02

Episodes 11 – 15 8th October 02

The whole series will also be shown back to back on a special “Racing Car Day” 27th September 02.

The Westfield used during the series is an 1800 Ford Zetec powered car with Independent Rear Suspension.  During the series the Westfield changes so much during race preparation before each of the events you’ll just have to watch to see what happens.



Sounds good i'll have to see if i can get the discovery channel through my NTL cable? ;)  ;)



I wonder if there is any intention on having this available on video....as I have about as much chance of watching that at home as I have of completing my build before Xmas.

I have had the car 3 weeks and have only put 1 panel on yet!!! August though....should be a good month for the build.

JD  :p


When's the club feature, like they did on all the other A........... is Born  :D  :)  ;)

Surely someone must have told em about the WSCC and the Speed Series  ???  ???  ???  :)  :D  ;)  ???  ???  probably the largest and most successful of its kind  ;)  :D  :)  :D  ???  :D  well suited for any race car, as I understand the program features circuit racing and sprinting / hillclimbs  :D  :)  ???



I'm surprised that they didn't contact WSCC during the making of the program.  Who's the producer?

I'm surprised that they didn't contact WSCC during the making of the program

It has certainly surprised me as well - considering how large our club is and with the Speed Series being so successful and attracting so many sponsors  ???  :)  :D  ;)  ???  :)


Holly tells me that the factory had introduced WSCC to the producers during discussions - but they had decided that they had enough "Westfield" branding in the series - so unfortunately, no mention for WSCC.

No doubt Westfield will continue to bring the WSCC's activities to the attention of potential buyers ?..... who knows we may see a factory sponsored XTR2 take its chances in Speed Series next year ??

Over to you Holly...


mmm and pigs might fly xtr2 in the speed series  ??? sorry steve  ;)

Holly tells me that the factory had introduced WSCC to the producers during discussions - but they had decided that they had enough "Westfield" branding in the series - so unfortunately, no mention for WSCC.

Called me biased but why would the Discovery Channel be so short sighted to stick its ead up it's  :arse:

Ya boo sucks to satellite  :devil:  :D  :)  ;)  :p  :p  :)  Other press and PR folks are taking a serious look at the WSCC.

And in a Car is Born they featured dwindledot strykers and Cobra clubs - just seems another facet to true Club Motorsport thats gonna be missed - Methinks I need to speak to Discovery Producers and let them know what they missed .............. where's me pen and paper  :angry:  :angry:  :D  :)  ;)  ;)

In some ways it would have been nice for a representative of the WSCC to introduce the WSCC to them .......... rather than find out after its all been done and dusted ............ just a thought  ;) ......... I mean nothing unpleasant in any way ...... just looking at positive ways to promote a superb club and a fantastic club championship  :)

Holly tells me that the factory had introduced WSCC to the producers during discussions - but they had decided that they had enough "Westfield" branding in the series - so unfortunately, no mention for WSCC.

And Team Westfield of course ....................

Sorry - blue touch paper bit soggy after last couple of days.


Thought you might be interested in these:



That's my kit on the right :D  :D  :D  :D


what does that say?



S'funny, it had a full windscreen at the Gurston Down hillclimb - I guess the aeroscreen was one of the changes they made to the car during the making of the TV series  :t-up:

it had a full windscreen at the Gurston Down hillclimb

I hope it doesn't all start again  :D  :)  ;). :)


anyone running a book on how long before he scares himself silly,  :( i seem to remember him driving round Knockhill crapping himself ..........being shouted at by Ian ,an instructer up there apparently used to near death experiences  :t-up:

oh and about aeroscreens i was just wondering...............


I can't believe it's running on Avon ZV1's (at least that's what's on the car in the pic taken at the factory)

I have those on my car and they are crap for track use.  

I can't justify scrapping tyres with plenty of tread, so I'm trying to burn them away at this years track days..... but they're so hard it's not true!

I believe they were rated by one German magazine as the worst performance tyre they had tested!

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