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Dentist - Does Anyone Know The Rules On Prices Etc? Pain!


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Mmmm, minty toothpaste

Handy hint for you campers out there - do not take toothpaste with you if go camping in the western USA national parks - bears LOVE toothpaste. The smell of toothpaste drives them crazy, and they will rip apart camp sites to get at it, even breaking into cars where it's locked in the boot (via breaking the windows and ripping the back seat out). If the park service finds out you had food or toothpaste in your car, even in the boot, and it wasn't in a bear-proof box (yes, there are such things for sale), and a bear breaks into your car, they will fine you $10k and keep your car, even if it's a rental.

Anyway, back at the dentist...

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Check this out if your in pain...had to do this for the missus 2 years back when we moved back to the UK after a few years away

and had not registered.

Got an appointment within 2 hours and 30 minutes after thats the wisdowm tooth was out at cost a 16 quid, the maximum that can be charged for an extraction.



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Similar experience as Jeffs last week. Had a crown fall off after only 8 months and it was my favourite gold one. Anyway, thinks options - stick it back on, do some root canal ( bit messy) or have it out. Trots along to the dentist with no toothache which was expected to kick in. He takes an xray and says you know we discussed the split in the tooth, well err its basically cream crackered. Options reducing by the minute. Ok Mr Dentist do I make an appointment to extract, er no I can do it right now. A*** collapsing moment followed by me saying well as long as you don't put your foot on my chest lets crack on. Told him about the cartoon I saw in a mag of a dentist pulling a tooth and the guys skull being pulled out of his mouth. Well it was a cartoon and it was in Playboy many years ago, didn't need to tell him that bit. Two jabs in gums no probs and one in the old roof of the chops, he said it would sting a bit and to be honest it was ok. Couple of minutes later and a small scaffold being erected inside ones gob stopped me talking too much, just that slobbery babble. Then a bit of tooing and frooing, nothing really strenuous and a few minutes later all done no pain at all. Did feel a bit wobbly but by the time we had discussed options to create the bionic tooth, do nowt, bridge 1k or screwed in job 2k. That sorted my head and I went into work feeling a bit sh!t but stuff to do. Stopping the bleeding whilst on blood thinners took about 6-8 hours and no after effects. Just feel now like I've got a Grand canyon stuck in my head which I'm sure I'll get used to. Big wusses we are, well I guess but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Don't drink cold beer or that p*ss lager so no after affects. Good job it was one of the big back ones. I can honestly say it wasn't my best experience but it wasn't bad at all no real pain, more in the head that bit. Oh and on the NHS for that and a filling tomorrow (joy) its £48 including the standard check up fee, so not too bad. Should be free but thats another story.

They'll be feeding me via a tube soon

Bob :cry::d:yes:

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Echoes I thought you were a full time student? If so you may get it for free.

Your teeth are important so you should look after them. Just remember the teeth have their own blood supply and if they get infected you could in a worse case get more than you bargained for. Take it on the chin and get the right work done no matter the cost. I had most of my baby teeth pulled out when I was a kid so been there and got the t shirt it's not that bad.

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cheers martin, have booked in for appointment with new dentist, which im hoping will ease the tension, my old dentist was a patronising A******e! im gonan go in and be stern, im no dentist but i know when all hope is lost :d till friday ive got paracodeine tablets encase it flares back up again! now its just a waiting game :)

Bob, i concur, it should be free, always found itstrange that all other aspects of the NHS are free... totally agree, there was no pain last time i went in, its just your own head that does all teh work for you, and that creeking noise of the tooth *shudder* still, as a mate tactfully pointed out earlier, "you have no problem with anything that you should be scared of, yet you wont go dentist and hate spiders!" :d

dom, i left uni well over a year ago fella, it wasnt for me :) have an interview on wednesday to start an apprentice as an NDT technician, very much excited at the prospect, hoping the tooth ache isnt playing up when i go for the interview :) however when i was at uni, the dentist wasnt free, depsite my best beliefs that it was.

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3-4 years of drinking and getting laid wasn't for you?

It is strange how it's the only bit of your body not covered by the NHS and can cause so much aggro. Yeah, had to pay at uni too.

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all other aspects of the NHS are free

So, you don't pay NI?

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Valid point Norm, but I'm sure you knew what I meant :p

Dibby, I very much believe that unless you have parents sending you money every week, the life of a uni student is as dull as it gets! i spent my times sat in my room being bored due to having no money and despite my best efforts, not being able to find work! Now i'm working again (all be it as a potwash for now) i'm once again enjoying the reasonably good life! to each their own, i didnnt meet anyone at uni with same interests as me, much prefer my friends back home and all the things i could afford when i was working :)

Agreed it is strange that when tooth infection can cause serious issues, you can be put off from getting it fixed due to lack of funds!

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I reckon there are any number of dentists out there who should be in prison for child cruelty, how many school dentists did the work without using anaesthetic to save a few pennies :bangshead: how many have been prosecuted ??? was it an issue with the regulators ??? I have little respect for the profession .

If sometimes wonder what my response would be if I met my dentist from those days :(

I think you must have had a bad dentist. I've never had an anaethetic for a filling and can't belive most people prefer the injection, which I found very unpleasant when I had a wisdom tooth out. It also means when I leave the surgery I'm not drooling and talking funny :d:cool:

Don't get me started on the wisdom tooth extraction though............... :cry::swear:

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Dibby, I very much believe that unless you have parents sending you money every week, the life of a uni student is as dull as it gets! i spent my times sat in my room being bored due to having no money and despite my best efforts, not being able to find work! Now i'm working again (all be it as a potwash for now) i'm once again enjoying the reasonably good life! to each their own, i didnnt meet anyone at uni with same interests as me, much prefer my friends back home and all the things i could afford when i was working :)

It's not for everyone but I loved every minute of the student lifestyle and my parents didn't send me a penny towards anything, fees, rent, booze or bike parts. Had no trouble finding work behind a bar or labouring on a building site to keep the overdraft down and have enough money for boozing it up every night of the week I wasn't working behind the bar. Walked out of a job in Wetherspoons one night and picked up another bar job the next day working for the best people I've ever worked for to date in a family run Irish bar.

Couldn't afford to run my £250 MkII Escort let alone think of owning a Westfield or live anywhere particularly nice but we were all students living in abject squalour together, living off beans and drinking White Ace because it was cheaper than White Lightning! I got to share houses with people from so many walks of life, from my (now) wife's Welsh valley council estate upbringing to a lad who went to the most expensive boarding school in the country and his old man hob-nobs it with MPs. I made so many lifelong friends at uni, met the wife there deciding to give it a go after being very good mates for 3 years.

If I'd have stayed behind in the old hometown I'd be following the same group of lads drinking and fighting in the same old pubs with the same low aspirations and job prospects. It's good to go back to see for a catch up them but it's like time stood still in the village and they are happy with their lot.

Still, you pays your money, you takes your choice and uni isn't for everyone. I'll be paying the debt off until I'm 60 but I'd do the same 4 year masters in mechanical engineering given my time again.

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blimey, im sure i didnt pay anyting while i was there and it wasnt that long ago.... stand corrected. Maybe i just didnt bother going or i dont remember paying. luckilly my scare with the teeth pulling made me be good at keeping my teeth (touchwood) and all i had was checkups so the cost was negigable,

Uni can be boring if you dont get in with a crowd etc but I can see why you didnt want to stay, its not for everyone. The cost of living for students now can be quite high. Ive been helping one of our PhD students look for a place and the amount of stuff you have to pay adds up.

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Dibby, what yo usay about village life is so very true, i liove in a village, but believe me, i dont wanna be one of they "time stood still" types haha :d

Dom, i checked today, full time education and under the age of 19 and you get free dental care... sadly, if you are an occupant of HMR Prison, you get free dental care... work that one out :down:

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