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Dentist - Does Anyone Know The Rules On Prices Etc? Pain!


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Good Morning All

Can anyone help me with some info here?

Having had my mouth explode in pain today at work, I've decided now is time to finally get back to a dentist (I haven't been in 4 years).

I am the first to admit that when it comes to dental care, I really haven't bothered, through a mixture of having my jaw wacked when i was younger and not being able to open it enough to brush my teeth properly for half a year (thus losing the habit of doing so) along with a hatred for brushing my teeth (its like nails on a chalkboard for me) they have somewhat deteriorated to the point where atleast 4 are worthless and need pulling out, and i could do with some fillings.

Oh how regret is a beautiful thing along with hindsight!

My question is, as the dentist costs an arm and a leg, can i request multiple work in one sitting, ie. if i need 4 teeth pulling out, will that only cost £40, or will i have to pay £40 x 4? I really cannot afford to pay it once, but needs must as I'm in agony! last time i went to the dentist i asked for more than one tooth to be sorted out, and was kind of bullied into only having one out.

Any information would be massively appreciated as always.




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teeth like a row of bombed houses

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almost mate, the only use the back ones have to me is to give pain, why the feck our genes havent eliminated the growth of wisdom teeth is beyond me! but alas, i dont look like a crackhead yet and wouldnt mind keeping away from that look, im ugly enough as it is :d

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I'm not sure about pricing other than you may find a dentist who will take you on the NHS. The majority seem to be private.

I've got more gaps than teeth so I sympathise.

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You need to find an NHS dentist. Go on line and google your area. These dentists prices are capped so you will get told a price which is a fraction of private. If money is really a problem find the local training hospital where they will do it for free but you are letting trainees in there. A skilled dentist will be able to open you mouth enough to work in there and may well save your teeth.

I have 2 implants and 18 crowns so I wished there was an NHS I could have got in.

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Like working on a Westy, you're not going to know until they get in there to have a good look. I know funds are tight for everyone, but there are bigger issues - people with dental problems are shown to have a higher risk of heart disease if they don't get their teeth sorted. Get an estimate at an NHS dentist, but if you're not flush, be honest and tell him. Good luck Kingston!

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cheers folks, has to be said fleeting thoughts of people who have strokes and such like from tooth infections that travel up the nerve to the brain doesn't make for the best story in your mind through the night.

Going to ring the dentist when they open at 9, 'tis the one me old dear uses, supposedly really nice people up there which should help with the phobia? i seem to have manifested in myself about going. the worst bit is it's kept me up all night, and now it's not hurting at all! got work at 10am, gonna be a looong day!

Once again thanks for the input and well wishes :) here's to hoping all ends well :d

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hate dentists since i had a bad experience as a kid! anyway I had severe pain in mouth last week for a good 4 days, eventually went in to the dentist, turns out was a wisdom tooth problem, which is what i suspected, Here is my advice, do not to what i did! i went onto youtube and watched loads of videos of teeth extractions, anyway the dentist offered to remove it straight away said its straight forward no dramas, I had a minute to think about it, I was sweating buckets, I decided to get it out, 2 injections in the gum (painless) and 2 minutes later numb mouth in he goes, 20 seconds later it was out. have to say i never felt a thing, anyway I stood up to go and next thing I remember is feeling dizzy and sick very similar to the feelling i get after a bottle of vodka, then next thing was waking up in the recovery position on the floor with 3 people round me what seemed like hours later, turns out i passed out, think it was all the vid watching and the anticipation of what was going to happen! :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: within an hour of getting home numbness gone and was pain free , week later the gum has heeled over and other than a very slight ache every now and then its spot on :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

have to say next time I will be there in an instant it really was nothing! so just get there and get it over with :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

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Sorry to hear of your fall fella :d what on earth gave you the idea that watching people have teeth pulled out on youtube would be fun ??? *shudder* :d although i know exactly how you mean ,after it's kinda just waht was i worried about, ive had one tooth out before when it was infected, the pain is gone instantly! its strange! ringing the dentist as soon as they're open try and get an appointment this afternoon on my split from work :) It doesn't hurt now, but it will be back! and I'm bored of playing pacman with ibuprofen for the past fortnight!

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Looks like you'll just have to pay whatever they charge you, got to have your gnashers to chomp through all those tasty steaks. Still, all that money saved on toothbrush wear will come into good use

teeth like a row of bombed houses

Gob like a bag of chips?

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mate you can get 3 toothbrushes for a quid in tesco, i have no excuse really :d a life without steak would be a cruel life indeed :o

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bl**** Hell Jeff, you daft muppet :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: some things were not meant for You Tube! Glad to hear you're feeling better now though.

Tooth pain can really knock you for six though, as has been said though, the health risks and the suffering from leaving it FAR outweigh any temporary discomfort of getting it sorted. And these days, in a modern, well equipped dentists, there's precious little by way of discomfort!

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do they still dish out Nos at the dentist or is taht a thing of the past? now them are some videos that are worth watching on youtube jeff :d

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Good job you got it sorted.

I love the dentist, probably comes from when I was a kid my gran and aunt worked there and the place was full of family friends, it was always a fun morning out as kids and we always got stickers. Dentist was less fun as a teenager in braces and having a couple removed to save me from having a smile like a bag of chips, now our local dentist is a wonderfully voluptuous lass in her mid 30s, I don't mind seeing her at all!

32 years of no fillings, It's far easier to keep on top of things and brush twice a day. Mmmm, minty toothpaste

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as i said fella, hindsight is a fickle fiend! needa get me mouth sorted and then keep it sorted :) gonna ring the dentist now :)

ETA: ohwell thats that done, 4th may 4:40pm is the day of reckoning! in the mean time have to hope the pain doesnt come back so will be avoiding sugar like the plague!

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