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Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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Yes folks Kev (Lurksalot) got it right straight away :d

Tomorrow will be my last day at work :cry:

I left school aged 15 at Easter 1965 as an Apprentice Shopfitting Joiner, and now 47 years later I feel I've done enough.

I dont have a gold plated pension, I wont get my state pension for another 2 1/2 years, but who cares?

I've been lucky, I've had continuous employment all that time, my longest job (this one) 12 years, my shortest 4 days :laugh:

So to answer Onliest Smeg, yes I'll be available for daytime blats when the weathers good. :t-up:

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Hi Paul,

Have a good one! Hope it all goes to plan and you have a great time.

I have another six years to go and I can't wait.



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Congratulations! My Dad just retired at 58 having had one employer for 40 years! He's just starting to realise he isn't on holiday and this is life now :d

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Why is it whenever I see the word shopfitting I read it as shoplifting... ???:oops::laugh:

Good luck Paul :yes:

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Congratulations, you could say you are now a Full Time Westfield Blatter, all the time in the world. Enjoy everything you wanted to do but never had the time for.

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Congratulations Paul. Similar to me. I started as an apprentice motor mechanic at 15 and retired at 59. Got my state pension last December. I now need more time to do all the things I've got planned. Bad backs and choped thumbs don't help but I guess it's a sign of getting old.

Enjoy your retirement and keep busy. If you run out of things to do I've got lots of jobs that need doing.

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The way pensions etc. are heading I'll probably be working till I'm in me 90s :cry::bangshead:

At least working from home means I can sometimes drop tools for a couple of hours and take advantage of good weather :westy::d

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Congratulations, you could say you are now a Full Time Westfield Blatter, all the time in the world. Enjoy everything you wanted to do but never had the time for.


All the very best - Rory's Dad

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I was counting the days for you myself bud :d , Ah the long days preparing ginger cake and custard loom ahead :laugh:

I guess you can spend more time in sunnier climates aswell now then :t-up:

All the best, enjoy every day of it :yes: and may you have many of them


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After watching the 5...4...3...2...1...

Why do I feel the need to shout...

Thunderhurds are GO! :laugh:

Congrats and look forward to it Paul, every person I know who's retired was worried they were going to be bored and not longer later wondered how they managed to do their jobs and fit in the stuff they did now. Enjoy, you've earned it! :t-up::)

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Congratulations Paul, you'll soon be part of that strange club; who wonder why there just aren't enough hours in the day anymore!

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We all knew from the start where this was going

Good (old) news Paul , its all downhill from now mate .

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Only about 8 left for me, Not sure i'll make it mind ;)

Good luck to you and enjoy it (Lucky sod :) )

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