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Following up on previous topic.

I am building a list of names (see below)

More details are now available

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Have a read and then let me know as per the site.

Any AO's who want a Word Doc to print out and hand round then let me know... (west Yorks, Cheshire and East yorks already sorted).

Below is list of names I have so far: (listed please read the site)




Paul Helsby

Jon Fry




Buzz Billsberry


so its westies cateringvans locosts robin hoods etc etc etc...

should be a few peoples.

we've gotta great big convoy............

2way radios/cbs anyone takin one?


What about you Mr Hurdsfield and Glen and Karl and Rich? should be a giggle, the Games over and just the bills to pay so I should be OK unless the missus books a hol somewhere very hot and very sunny  :cool:


CB, now there's something i've got in the loft I never thought of for the Westy... Oh b******* Mag mount!


Sorry guys I'll have 2 pull the plug on this. I'm Marshalling @Oulton Park on the 16th and doing SS @Curboro' on 17th Aug

Buzz :cool:


Hi All,

I did the "Coast to Coast" on foot a few years ago. Took me 2weeks (not 2 days) and I was fairly knackered at the end of it having trudged the 192 miles with a heavy backpack. I know the lakes quite well on the first stretch from St. Bees(my parents have a place in Keswick). I assume you have the route pretty well sussed (couldn't see the map too well)? Just make sure you take in the lakes by Loweswater & Crummock water, go up and over Whinlatter, Newlands or Honister pass. All 3 passes are excellent for Westfields. I can also thoroughly recommend the road from Penrith to Alston (can't remember its number - there is only one road though). This road has some fantastic hairpin bends going up out of Penrith, all cambered and good surface, and then opening out into some very fast corners up to a Café at the top. Swaledale was very nice too, some impressive waterfalls along the route. The castle in Richmond is also worth exploring.

Good luck



sorry can't make it as i have been informed we are already commited that weekend.

Still have a great time and keep us in mind if you do it again next year


Couldnt get the site to load.  I fancy turning up so can you send me some info !

The Road from Penrith to Alston is one of the best, Loads of bikers though,  Three weeks ago got "held up" by some wusses on two wheels who didnt want to got for it.


The route is co,ming on nicely.

Lakes end scouted this weekend and a few mods made to try and avoid some of the traffic.

Middle section to be scouted this sunday and then the east coast leg the weekend after.

I'll then run the whole thing (in a day!;) the weekend before the run to make sure all is ok and we don't have an road closures or massive roadworks cropping up.

Come on guys, i've got a few names.

Lets's have some more.

You manchester guys seem a bit quiet


Took a blast up to Whitby via helmsley & pickering on sunday.  Despite all the seaside traffic it was still good fun.  I think you may find many bikers on this route made of fairly stern stuff, unfortunately lethal at times :(


I'm thinkin, I'm thinkin,

just not too sure how to mention it to the wifey yet  ;)


Pitter patter, pitter patter,

wifes due a couple of weeks before :p

so fraid no go, :t-up:  gutted  :zzz:



Tell her I promise we'll stop long enough for Ice Cream ;)


WHAT, another ice cream, but i already bought her one this year, i remember it well, it was at Dunsop Bridge on the last run, i dont want to spoil her you know,

after all 60 ice creams = 1 tyre  ;)


I remember it well too.... I remember the fight not to be behind you on the blast up the trough for fear of 70 mph flying ice cream ;)

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