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Caution Camper Van And Caravan Owners

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I was working on my car on saturday morning when I hear a pop followed by a crackling sound from the region of the motor home parked on the drive. I dismissed it as a kid going past on a bike, however I was convinced the crackling was from the van as the bike went into the distance, thinking it could be the start of a fire or something, i removed the security lock to look in and find stuff everywhere, and a lad wearing my marshaling fleece holding himself up just staring back at me! A polite conversation ensued. I didnt have my phone and dint want to tackle him, or lock him back in due to the ruddy PC society we live in, so while I phoned the police he walked off, 15 mins later the dogs had him :)

The baffling thing is the alarm wouldnt stop going off every time CSI tried to get in, yet hed stopped it and live in the place for what appears to be 2 nights!

Turns out he was wanted, homeless and on blueys.

The van is trashed :(

Check your vans, even if you think they are safe on the drive

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:o he must have been desperate

















to live in your van :p

sorry to hear about the damage though, will insurance cover you for that? I assume so but it's a weird 'claim'

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CSI ? don't we call them SOCO (scenes of crime officer)

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What triggers the alarm? I suspect... he gained entry some other way (window, roof, floor)... so check again... you can never be sure (sunglasses on)... with a vandal!

/sorry for your troubles :down:

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Really sorry to hear about your misfortune Mark. I bet you are gutted, I know I would be. How bad is the damage, is it repairable?

Do hope the insurance company cough up, at least they caught the scrote so you have a solid crime report.

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are you sure it wasn't brian :d :d :d

hope you get it sorted

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CSI ? don't we call them SOCO (scenes of crime officer)

Nope definitely CSI even in the bright lights of the North East

are you sure it wasn't brian :d :d :d

Cheeky Fooker

hope you get it sorted

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6 months supervision order and 3 months drugs rehab goodness me

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What did you expect. You're lucky they didn't send him on holiday - in your motorhome.

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i know its not the right thing to do but ya shoulda clouted him with something blunt and heavy for his time and effort in your van! someone on diazepam isnt going to be putting up much of a fight... good to see the justice system of our country doing us proud once again :down:

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someone on diazepam isnt going to be putting up much of a fight...

True enough - particularly when you mix it with a fine red wine to kill back pain. But then, I've never broken into someone's van and dossed there for a few days.

No doubt out collecting his benefit money as we type. Justice indeed... :bangshead:

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shame that mate, the CPS and CJU make it very annoying for the Police also. The Police want to see him get punished as much as the IP (injured party)

It's not a weird claim, perfectly normal. The police get a lot weirder and bizzar call than that :p

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Good to see that my tax money is going to support yet another scrout that should be dealt with properly.

But saying that at I saw a programme the other day that claimed it cost £140,000 a year to lock somebody up, so its no wonder we are so screwed at the moment.

Three times what I earn, and they don't get sent to Afghanistan regularly !!

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One of the most memorable incidents I remember from the days when I worked with the Police was the chief inspector ranting on about Community Service. He said that the majority of repeat offenders never turned up and then the courts would issue a custody order so the police could re-arrest. The CI said that most bobbies wouldn't bother going to get them as they'd done that once and as the courts had let him free they should go get him again.

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