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So That's What It's All About!

Dave the Sparky

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First sunny Sunday, empty A roads, dry tarmac, roundabouts with no giving way, starting to explore the grip and speed out of turns...

And I thought it was all tinkering! Ha


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You lucky b******* :d My tinkering has got out of hand mainly putting right the bodges from the original build and the car is still in bits! i have actually wished for rain! as days like today makes it all the more frustrating, hope you enjoy your blat


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Wait till you get it on track , theyre even more fun then !

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Dragging mine out shortly to take Dommo out for a ride. Haven't driven it for weeks due to holiday and weather!

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Just had about 2 hours out in mine. Took a trip over to Dad's and then took him out for a good old blat.

He loved it, nearly as much as me :d

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Just got my first blat of the season too due to a prolonged Zetec cambelt change (waiting to get a sprocket holding tool). Finished it this morning and been out round the Malvern Hills this afternoon. Need to lower my tyre pressures a bit I reckon.

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Had my first blat of the year yesterday, a good shakedown run to see if anything needed doing. The Wench was in fine fettle, running like a champion - hello happiness, my old friend. Even had two lovely ladies in their 40s in a Range Rover drive up next to me at the lights, roll down their window and cooed and beamed at me - the passenger even blew me a kiss! (Clearly, she was the blind one being taken by the driver to pick up her seeing-eye dog.)

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Also had a drive this am, went round to see Tigger and show him me new bits. No doors or roof made in a bit Cool even in the sun, on the way home it decicded to throw a few hailstones at my cheeks, they do sting don't they?

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Been out today dodging the snow/rain and hail showers :( But all good fun if a little cold.


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Bit of a meet on at Arley Hall!



Lots of tweed knocking about!

I know the estate manager, maybe we could arrange a little gathering? Cafe does a mean cream tea! ;)


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Nice looking estate Dave, Looks a long way for me and a Cream Tea though.

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