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Would You Be Less Inclined To Sell To A Trader?


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The thing is, I can fully understand the traders "deceit", 'cause while we all like to think we're honest ourselves, you've only got to look at advice about trading cars in on any Forum/Boardroom (and yes, I've seen it on here), and you will see a lot of honest people essentially advising the person seeking advice to lie and deceive about all sorts of aspects of the car.

Typically, this has ranged from deception by omission, simply advising the seller to not tell the garage about stuff through to ways to actively hide problems and faults.

Unfortunately, and it may well be the more unscrupulous dealers that have brought it on themselves, they've come to be seen as almost fair game by many.

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I wouldn't care who I sold anything too provided I got the price I believed was reasonable and without any hassle. A deals a deal, I guess it was a little misleading to suggest it was a private sale but does it really matter. If I have done my homework wrong to gauge the price then thats my error. I can understand maybe a bit of a sour taste knowing that its been sold on at a profit but you received the readies you wanted. Buy a new one and forget about it, its not worth stewing over. Cash is in the bank I guess.

Bob :(

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I'm not at all bothered that he actually was a trader or that he will try to sell it on for a profit.

I'd happily sell to a trader for the right price or buy from a trader if they had a car I was looking for.

I'm not having a pop at traders in general, I just didn't understand what he hoped to gain by actively hiding the fact.

If he hadn't spun a yarn, I wouldn't have bothered to ask whether he was a trader or not. His money was as good as anyone elses.

It wasn't Toybox by the way (unless they are also trading under a different name).

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