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Shoes For Sale At Stoneleigh?

Captain Colonial

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cheers wuv, if I click the heels together three times and say "there's no place like home" will I be transported to kansas?

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Only if Kansas is the gay club in Warwick.


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Only if Kansas is the gay club in Warwick.


The voice of experience? Inquiring minds want to know!

/valium seems to be working well!

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I believe in the John Wayne stance, big beefy cowboy with Marrion as his name, hell no Kincade. I think you would walk like JW with those lovely pink numbers on though, be foolish not to.

Bob (lost my emoticoms again)

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i guessed at something like that... never really been into names on clothes much so wouldnt have known.....

im not into named clothes i'm like a tramp tbh but do like me samba's

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I believe in the John Wayne stance, big beefy cowboy with Marrion as his name, hell no Kincade. I think you would walk like JW with those lovely pink numbers on though, be foolish not to.

Bob (lost my emoticoms again)


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That'll be me checking out in bnq. Nothing like keeping your weapon in your hand. On that note I'm off, be gentle with me oaps.

Bob :p :p :p

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use the force wuv

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Jeeez you puta request up for help and you get nailed as a gayer!! :d

Capt I'd for the Karting shoes half the price of the FIA approved stuff look the same and will last a few years I bought a pair of OMP black sgoes think they were about £4o inc from demon thieves


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Having never been to Stoneliegh and need a pair of Birdz goggles (the large ones you can wear glasses under) and a new pair of driving shoes (OMP or Sparco as above) will I be able to get them at the show?

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Cheers Buzz, much appreciated, wondered if I was ever going to get a sensible answer in this thread! :t-up:

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No, but it'll be fun for us watching you try! ;):laugh:

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Scott - Piloti are good shoes and if you want to buy some at Stoneleigh pay a visit to the Hamilton Classics stand and you might well get a 10% WSCC Members discount if you speak nicely :)

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I got a set of piloti's 2 years ago at the show. Good shoes. Although mine are the type that make you look like a prat :-)

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Just looked at the Piloti web site.

Now then, all together, sing the Yorkshire Anthem.........


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