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Here in pick up truck world.. Its almost a rule to stop me passing them..kinda adds to the fun factor, really pee, s them off when my little green beauty leaves them standing.

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I like the way grown-ups pretend not to look because it's not 'cool' to stare at someone else's car but kids don't hold back, yell and point. I also love following cars with kids stuck to the back windows like stick-on mascots to have a good look at the green and yellow toy car following them.

One I didn't particularly like was coming back from a strole along the beach to find a family of Arabs sitting in it, poking the buttons and posing for photos. They looked rather sheepish when the owner turned up and asked what the hell they though they were doing climbing into someone else's car like that. I don't mind anyone sitting in it and taking the odd photo ... if they ask first

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Several Caterham owners were on a "blat" to Bordeaux and we stopped at a village for coffee.

We parked in the village square and when we returned there was a small crowd around my car. There was a very elderly lady sat in the drivers seat. problem was she couldn't get out (how the hell she got in was a mystery). Anyway we lifted her out with stocking tops and knickers on display and she was in fits of laughter.

It's common practice in France.

When I was in Paris in the Elise people were stepping in front of the car to take pictures whenever we stopped at lights.

I once took two of the local kids (South Yorkshire) for a ride in the car. When we got back I told them both to stay there whilst I got out and came round. George was so excited that he couldn't wait, jumped out and put his leg on the hot exhaust. He was about 4 at the time and he always said he burnt his leg on Normans kettle. He still says that and he's 16 now.

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You should drive a Ferrari for glances and stares and kids pointing, and in the main +ve. You get a few women stare as well which is nice.

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You should drive a Ferrari for glances and stares and kids pointing, and in the main +ve. You get a few women stare as well which is nice.

Hopefully some day :) Need to save up some more beans first though :d

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