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Willans 3-Point Harnesses In Red - Stoneleigh Giveaway

Captain Colonial

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The New Membership Secretary's Great Stoneleigh Giveaway

OK boys and girls, here's your chance to get a bargain.

A bargain? I like bargains!

Of course you do! Here it is:


One pair of Willans three-point harnesses in red, circa 1992. No tears, no damage, fully functional in every respect, they held yours truly in place for many a mile. They're a little faded, they could use a good clean, and one set has a few black spots on the lap belt, but nonetheless they are operational and ready to go (if not completely ready to show).

A really clever person could probably dye them black if they wanted to... (Disclaimer: At your own risk, as I have no idea what your dye would do to these belts. You could have some dodgy fluid for all I know. Heaven knows where you find that stuff. I've seen you looking through eBay. On your lap be it...)

Obviously, I make no warranty and take no responsibility for the condition of these belts - it's up to you to inspect them and decide if you want them or not, and once you take them, they're yours. Of course, you may inspect them to your heart's delight before committing.

And as I said, they're a bargain.

Yeah, yeah, so you said, just get on with it it - how much?

They will cost you precisely one pint of beer.

That's all?

Yep. One pint of beer.


There's a few catches...

I ruddy well knew it, flaming ruddy Yanks, you're all the same!

Naturally. You didn't think it would be that simple, did you?

So here's the catches - you have to be a current WSCC member (but not a committee member); you have to wait until and attend Stoneleigh (I will be there both days); and you have to find me at some point after 1 PM and say the following phrase as the first thing out of your mouth: "You are the new WSCC Membership Secretary, and I hereby claim my prize!". You may then view the belts and if you still want them, you buy me a pint (and maybe a burger - I've just changed the rules). Simples!

That doesn't sound too hard...

It isn't, except one thing - you don't know what I look like, and I'm not going to tell you.what I look like. That means the ones who want the belts are going to have to work for it and will be wandering around saying that phrase to people who aren't me and looking like nut cases. Further, you might say it to me and then find out too late that the belts are already gone. Try and find me...! :laugh:

Remember, if you don't say that phrase first, you lose. Even a "hello" first will disqualify you.

You are a very bad man.

I know. But if you want free belts, you'll have to do it. :t-up::laugh: See you at Stoneleigh!

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so all the good reasons to try to avoid you have just taken a kicking yeah ;) will hope to see you at the show :t-up: although you wont catch me saying "You are the new WSCC Membership Secretary, and I hereby claim my prize!".

but you might catch me saying "there is the new WSCC Membership Secretary, come on lets get him!". ;)

I will keep my eye out for the baseball cap mounted beer tins and straws and the hawaiian shirt :p

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I have a great white tyre pen and I know where you live... :laugh: Think about it. :t-up:

Actually, I owe you a pint Cleggy...which I'll buy you if you behave!

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Ooooh, pints of foaming beer. I'm in.

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As long as I don't have to break in to the Davis compound again, I'm in!

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Yeah, but I know what YOU look like and can avoid you after 1, or make you talk before 1 by putting beer in your hand! :d

Still having those nightmares where you're flying over gates while being chased by a Honey Monster?

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Yeah, I keep telling everyone I've got post traumatic shock, but no one'll believe me :down:

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can I have them please or i will inform immigration of your location. :p

can't do sunday as i'm on the Landrover convoy for hereos world record attempt but hope to get there on monday so might track you down

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Ingenious, but I have dual nationality now...bribed them with Pringles.

Good luck!

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Reminder bump.

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Stoneleigh less than three weeks away bump!

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Two week bump!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last pre-Stoneleigh bump - who will snag these for a pint?

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Well, no one claimed the belts today, so they're still up for grabs at any point after 10 AM so filfan, you are still in with a chance! Don't forget the phrase that pays...

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Don't you be hiding now

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