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Kit Car Crisis?

Dave the Sparky

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Gadgetman has got it exactly right. I enjoyed the Mark Evans series and "a racing car is born" is on my TiVo forever. The bit with Mark holding the diff and Pete-mate whacking the bolt through with Mark saying "its ok... its not heavy...." whilst Pete faffs around is IMHO one of the best car building TV out there! Who hasn't at some stage asked the help of someone who has no idea?

Anyway I was lucky to get "the Lotus story" on video and I found it brilliant. Full of interviews and footage BUT to the general public it would have been boring. (I know cos I've watched it with friends and got comments like "is this all this program shows?")

Will have to try and get to watch this kitcar crisis.

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Do, do watch it! In creating something for the ambulance chasing, Watchdog TV generation, they've inadvertently created something that's just hypnotically, cringe inducing, watch from behind the sofa through half closed fingers, memorable TV for anyone that knows anything about cars or building one.

One note of caution though, watch on your own, or with someone that want get stroppy at the frequent "I don't believe it", "he's not going to...", "oh my God, he's dropping swarf into that open..." comments that you'll be shouting. Also have a stash of soft and harmless things to throw at the TV.

(remotes aren't good for this!)


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Best bit for me is when it starts and he nearly soiled himself

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This series always remind me why I won't ever try to build a car myself! The brake line being a classic example!

My wife really hates the xXXXx crisis series. Particularly the Beetle one! Something about the music really irritates her!

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and if you look really closely at the footage of his first event at Mallory you might just see a few ex Westfield owners in the background supping a brew and having a bacon butty :d

Who's that then???? :-D

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BIg Fish, SS Champ 1998 - Nick Lear, Dickie B and my old van :d :d at Mallory with Locosts in 750 MC Championship

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does anyone know a link for this i keep missing it and would like to see this one? google hasnt returned much of use so far

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