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Cambridge Run Out To The Cafe 1St April


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Was a good turnout today, good mix of cars and nice to see some of the old faces again.

My cooling woes got worse on the way home so I've completely drained the cooling system, check the thermostat (which does worK).....I'm starting to think the temp sensor is acting up....anyone know a sparky who could take a look? :p

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  • Cleggy the Spyder Man


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Enjoyed today thanks for the ride Cleggy :t-up:

Really thought it wouldn't be the same without my car but enjoyed the change and the chance to look at some of the nice views from the passenger side ;) as usual sensibly fast and smooth driving from Cleggy made the experience spot on!

Great turnout, was good to meet up again with everyone and a couple of new faces.


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thanks for turning up - all the cars looked amazing - the trip to Holkham Hall and the Ride in the Mondial made it extra special day for me - thanks for organising Chaz :t-up: :t-up:

I am going to post all the piccies up on our WSCC Cambs/Peterborough facebook page - click the linky below and dont forget to "like" the page before you depart :t-up:

if you dont have Facebook then here's a couple :d




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Enjoyed today thanks for the ride Cleggy :t-up:

Really thought it wouldn't be the same without my car but enjoyed the change and the chance to look at some of the nice views from the passenger side ;) as usual sensibly fast and smooth driving from Cleggy made the experience spot on!

Great turnout, was good to meet up again with everyone and a couple of new faces.


Captain Sensible is my name (well maybe Captain Slow) :t-up: and thanks to treating me toi breakie :cool::t-up:

you need to get some pictures posted up in here of your project - the guys in here would love it :love:

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Captain Sensible is my name (well maybe Captain Slow) :t-up: and thanks to treating me toi breakie :cool::t-up:

you need to get some pictures posted up in here of your project - the guys in here would love it :love:

If you're on about the bike... Yes, definitely. The phone didn't do it justice.

Thanks today to Chaz and Graham for letting me be their sidekick for the day.


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Enjoyed yesterday, good to get out and about with a good bunch of minded people, even managed to get a bit of sun/wind burn on my face! not bad for the 1st April :cool:

And thanks for Tony for riding shotgun and a nice healthy breakfast :t-up:

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Very sorry to have missed this, spent the day flat on my back trying to remove the sump to see if replacing the gasket will stop the Exxon Valdez impression. Who would have believed that undoing and redoing 12 bolts to drop and replace the sump would take 5 hours. I really need to find a ramp or pit as squeezing under the massive 6" gap under the car once it is on the axle stands just isn't fun anymore.

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I too am sorry I missed it, turned out nice again. By way of consolation I got drunk at a family barbeque by noon and fell asleep by mid afternoon, but a blat would have been better still.

I've spent to today making the rusty old fast Beetle noisier for Wales so as out fancy-car whoever the bloke is with a Ferrari. The ponce.

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I've sorted my cooling issue.....except I don't what sorted it! Replaced the coolant and checked the thermostat (which did look jammed if that is possible?) and now its sitting happily at 90-95 even with spirited driving.

I think I'll blame the big hot fiat I was following all day.

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There is noise, then there is music.....

Hot, did you see all the Girls looking at me? Hang on that was the wife giving me an angry stare

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Very sorry to have missed this, spent the day flat on my back trying to remove the sump to see if replacing the gasket will stop the Exxon Valdez impression. Who would have believed that undoing and redoing 12 bolts to drop and replace the sump would take 5 hours. I really need to find a ramp or pit as squeezing under the massive 6" gap under the car once it is on the axle stands just isn't fun anymore.

I am all too familiar with that scenario.

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