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Cambridge Run Out To The Cafe 1St April


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job to say aint it - fuel station 6-7 doors down the road has run out today, but they have just told me they have a delivery for tomorrow morning

might be a case of a very light tinkle on the valve springs - I will try to fill up at Downham

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By the weekend everybody else will have full tanks so I suspect the stations will be deserted.....

I'm more worried about finding some fuel tonight so I can get home to have my birthday cake tomorrow :cry:

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9pm Just went out to put some in the tintop the d*** heads are queued out of my local petrol station onto the main road :bangshead: so came back home.

Will be using the scooter for work again next week!

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Yeah, set out a little earlier this morning, local petrol stations all out. The next two I tried were both out of Diesel, eventually ended up filling up the tin top at Davenham. Although I still had enough for a hundred odd miles at that point, I'd have been able to make the mornings meeting in Malpas, but hadn't enough fuel to get to Leeds and back in the afternoon. So would have had to cancel that meeting.

OK for a few more days now at least.

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None of this car malarky for me. Sun is shining. Birds are singing. 20 mile cycle ride for work! That's the ticket!

Is there some kind of petrol strike? Not seen the NEWS for a few days.

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Norwich is bone dry now.....just spent an hour hunting for some fuel for my tintop (with the light well and truly on).

Looks like my day off tomorrow will be taken up with cycling around looking for somewhere with fuel......

If the situation doesn't improve is there a backup plan for Sunday (siphon fuel from Ferrari/TVRs) ?

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backup plan - what the heck is one of those :oops::d

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I've done 700+ miles this week and filled up no issues, don't know what the issue is.

Sunday will see me needing to fill te Ferrari with super, so I hope that a) know one buys that normally b) the situation will be back to more normal. If i can not get any on the way out in the morning, I will be comming home i guess?

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Most of the VX is back together!!!!!

MOT in the morning we'll see how it goes, I'm hopefull.

I'll finish off the odd jobs tomorrow afternoon.

I have enough fuel for the day Sunday.

I assume we are still on......


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well my trip out for fuel tonight was interesting :-/

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well I have a full subaru and a Westfield but if I had of wanted diesel I would have failed

having said that I got Julie's motor filled up this morning with diesel

so the decision is do I take the Westy and get as far as downham and have to turn back due to no fuel or take the subaru which has enough range!

think I might risk it but will see how the pumps are looking later

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i Plan on deciding at downham what the fuels like if the pumps are empty i will be turning back


but hopeng to not have a problem

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