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Is anybody else going to the RWYB on 27/1 ?  It is actually a Sylva Sportscar register event, but there are loads of c******ms going from Blatchat.  I might go in the Westie if the weather looks 100% and if not then I will probably turn up in the tin top just to watch (2.5 hours each way doesn't appeal in the Westie if it rains and the track is closed!;).  Dave Edmands is taking his R700 c******m.




I am planning on being there. Ostensibly to meet up with DVA and part with some cash, but also to see the R700 in action. I may even have a go myself, if I can be bothered to make some arm restraints................


I'm hoping to go in the c******m if it isn't in bits still and the weather looks OK.  

Blatman, fancy your chances over 1/4 mile then??


Arm restraints ?  All you need is a piece of rope with 2 loops tied in the ends.



In the sprint car.....oh yes. However, I'll be taking the green monster (weather permitting), so prob'ly not.............If you fancy a run though, then yeah, I'm up for a laugh........List 1a tyres though, yes? I ain't gonna play if you're running ACB10's, Yoko R's or slicks........


Yeah I know, but all the ropes I own would need cutting down, and you know how handy tow ropes are..........I'm just being incredibly lazy :0



Could well be blessing you with my presence, or is it presents ?, or are they presents ? what do I know ?

I'll try to get some of the Northants Bunch out aswell.


Sorry Mr Blat, it will on ACB10s or A032s and screenless, so a meaningless competition anyway.......

I've never tried any drag racing, so it could be a laugh, if a bit of a lottery with the weather.


I'd like to see you run against gee-fin though....... :p  ;)


He keeps claiming he's quicker....I'm yet to believe him.....

Realistically,his SLR should be pretty nippy down the 1/4 mile. I'd expect very low 13s, but more likely mid-to-high 12s.

Although with Clarkey being a c******m driver it might be closer to 15s purely due to technique -

1st gear...




shift light on........

onto the rev limiter.......




aaaand into 2nd.......

*repeat x4*

Mine won't be there due to immenent DTA'age :D



I would relish the opportunity to challenge Mr Fin over a 1/4 mile, as I would win.

He may win over a standing 1/10 mile, but he would have to push the rest............I guess his friends at the RAC could help him finish though?



DTA'age? Something wrong with your map? or do you mean DVA'age..........My cossie is coming out this weekend with the same sort of thing in mind. 240bhp hopefully....... :D

Clarkey won't have a hope..............


He has renamed his car "Titanic" as it completes about as many journeys....


LOL.............. :D  :D  :D


That's rich coming from the person who couldn't even find the battery in his new BMW!

Anyways, clockwork ignition decided it had had enough on mine.....I needed an excuse to go to ECU so I guess I've been given it :p

DTA'age for the ECU courtesy of the nice people at Plays-Kool, DVA'age already in progress after a lesson from the master himself. Won't be complete in time for the Santa Pod meet though.

I might still come along with camcorder and bracket - you can never have enough footage :D And at least that way someone will remember to bring a blank tape instead of the head cleaner tape.....

Realistically,his SLR should be pretty nippy down the 1/4 mile. I'd expect very low 13s, but more likely mid-to-high 12s.

Although with Clarkey being a c******m driver it might be closer to 15s purely due to technique -

Nigel Marston did a 12.9/106 in his SLR when the Se7ens list went there about 18 months ago.  Clarkey may be a c******m driver but anybody can drive in a straight line  :D   That is the reason most people give for not having a go - too easy  ;)


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