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I'm confused (not difficult I know) but according to the last edition of Westfield World subs are still £22-50, but I have just been credited with 5 months (£12-50) from my old membership and charged £17-50 for the remaning 7 months which when I last checked came to £30. So a couple of questions when did it go up and were we informed and I missed it, and what happened to my "free" month.

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Heading should read subsciption, but I do not seem able to edit.

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Hi Paul,

Since the last Magazine the subscriptions were increased. This was mainly to cover the balancing act between no of members and magazine costs. You will of course be aware from discussion in the magazine and the response that Chairman Paul requested about the magazine and whether it should be continued due to the financial problems the club is facing. The Members overwhelming response was that they wanted to continue with the magazine and would pay more in subscription to cover it. Don’t forget it has been held for many, many, many years :d :d


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Hi Paul,

With regards to the 2nd part of your question, you have been credited 4 months (Feb, March, april, May) as Jan is not over yet, plus 1 month free which should total £30.

I hope that maths works out for you too as even though Computers ARE my strong point, Maths is not :blush: :blush: ??? ???

Hope to see you out in the speed series this year


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Guest greenandmean

I thought magazine production had gone to quarterly instead of a rise in subs, and £7=50 is one hell of a rise.

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I stand corrected, just read the mag article that said the majority had agreed to go quarterly and a slight increase in subs.

Tigger not sure what I'm doing this year just need to finish the rebuild after my Harewood shunt last year, book a test day to check everything out then decide whether its the SS or Harewood again this year. Like the close proximity of Harewood but after hitting the banking rather hard its somehow lost some of its appeal.

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Like the close proximity of Harewood but after hitting the banking rather hard its somehow lost some of its appeal.

I see what you mean Paul, must have shaken you up a bit, fingers crossed though. Always good to see familiar faces once again.

Good luck with it anyway, catch you soon.


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As a new member I have to say I think the membership is very reasonable, in the month I have been a member I would gladly have paid double for all the assistance I have received


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As a new member I have to say I think the membership is very reasonable, in the month I have been a member I would gladly have paid double for all the assistance I have received


I think it's all too easy to forget this. The new boardroom is great, but what makes it great isn't just the interface, it's the content. I'm sure my club costs have been covered several times over by the money I've saved and assistance I've received in here.

As for the magazine, it's as good as the contributions we send in (which is why you've never seen anything of mine in print! :d ). Get typing and send n your Westfield words!

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And still cost less than a single tankful of petrol for the Westfield ;)

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As a new member I have to say I think the membership is very reasonable, in the month I have been a member I would gladly have paid double for all the assistance I have received


Thanks Ian, as a club it has a great spirit, which is why we all help out whenever we can.

Should be over at Kirkistown for the British Sprint at end of June, pop and say hello, would be great to me up.


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