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Where have all the Emoticons gone, long time passing, where have all the emoticons gone, long time ago? (with apols to Peter Paul and Mary)


Have you clicked on the :) face symbol?

Are you working on an iPad? If so, it's a known shortcoming that will be fixed at some point when all has settled down. :t-up:


Have you clicked on the :) face symbol?

Are you working on an iPad? If so, it's a known shortcoming that will be fixed at some point when all has settled down. :t-up:

Where is the "face" symbol? I cant see any smileys on my screen anymore, since the boardroom changed.

No, I'm not using an iPad so far as I am aware. I'm using 2 PCS, one in my office and one at home.

What's an iPad? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Just found it! I'll swear it wasn't there last time. :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: (where's the bangs head one gone?)

Oi, how come Mark's got head banging and I haven't? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Stephen, under the first row of emoticons you'll see 'Show All', click on that and it opens a new window with them all :bangshead:


there is a little arrow on the right hand side of the smilies click on that & it scrolls across



Well blow me, so there is. Thanks muchly, Mrs T. :yes: :yes:



Thought I'd get my moneys worth while I was on the PC :p


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