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O/T Celebrity Big Brother


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Been working in the office most of the night and went into the living room to see SWMBO watching Celebrity Big Brother, which is why I am back on the forum.

Who are these people?

Apart from that female who was in Eastenders, I have not a clue about anyone else. In fact it appears that the chap who was flung of that karoke competition just before Christmas run by Simon Cowell is in there. Since when did that make you a celebrity?

Its a load of tosh and I might be spending more time in the garage with the heater on if thats what I am going to be subjected to.

Rant over


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My office space has french doors into the living room and I must admit that the tottie is particulary good.

There again, since when did having your wild way with your brother in law make you famous.

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The reason the human race is doomed, god bless for not having a tele :)

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Far too much tasty tottie for my liking. 2 Penthouse pets a page three model, the Irish? model, again SWMBO watching yes really, but missed the last few celebs loosers to go in though. Mrs asked why there were so many younger modelly types, first reaction was to suggest that maybe the viewing figures may go up.

Bob :devil:

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