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Cannock Area September Event


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I'll be there by about 11.00. Weather forecast is improving for tomorrow, all the time, so I plan to come over in the Beast.
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Wasn't too bad on the way out, a bit too damp just before Much Wenlock, but bearable.

Was excellent on the way back from Ludlow when the sun came out though :)

Cheers Gooders for leading.

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Hi all

sorry for the dangler up this morning, thought you lads were comming past craven arms.

sounds like you had a good run all though a little wet, seemed like the theme for the day, sorry we missed you all.

how about a run next sunday as it the last sunday for most of us?

i'll be happy to be rout master, i was thining about starting at dinks? possibly a belated 'bucket and spade' run?

if there are any takers please let me know ASAP

Pew I hope im not stepping on anyones toes, but if its ok with you id be happy to lead this run....... all weather dependent of course

jeffro and son of jeffro

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Glad to hear you chaps all had a good run(s) out.

Jeffro, hey if you want to do another next weekend go ahead!

If you send me the details I can post around the mailing list.

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A very enjoyable run out and a bit of rain just makes the day even more memorable and improves wet driving skill!- Thanks Gooders!!

I will send the two photos taken at Ludlow to Paul but they are a little dark due to the weather!

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