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Cannock Area September Event


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This is a call for the next run out planned for NEXT SUNDAY 18th September 2011.

Meet at Bradford arms around 10:30 for a run out organised by Gooders.

There are options for a run into the countryside or a run over to Stafford Kit Car Show. I know that we all have thoughts on on the show so add your preference into the thread....

All say I?

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In my opinion we should support the Stafford KC Show and vote for a run over there next Sunday. All of the KC shows need to make money or they will die and I for one am quite happy to pay the full entrance fee at Stafford or any other show if it helps them to survive against ever increasing exhibition costs.
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Why should we support the kitcar shows per say? We should support the kitcar shows which give us what we want, but we owe nothing to the organisers of the Stafford Show, if anything they owe us. After all, some of us have been in the past, and paid for the privelege.

Personally, I'd love to go for a "Gooders" run, but not over enamoured of a trip to the Stafford Show.

I didn't buy my car to sit it in a carpark. I bought it to drive!!

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:angry: I can't make the run next weekend as I'm at a wedding on the Saturday and staying over!! Hope you guys have a good safe run!! As for the Stafford show last years was an absolute joke!!  :angry: I for one would not grace it again. I know some show, ers that take there concours westy all over and they were also not impressed


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see you next sunday. im not fussed, im relativley new only been to stonleigh show before so i will go with the majority
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Seem to be some strong opinions regarding the Stafford show - Remember when it was the first one of the year and one of the best for many years on the trot?

Anyway regarding Sunday I will go with the majority decision.

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Should be able to make this one.  

I'll see if I can get some more of the Warwickshire Lads to join us as well.


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I may have a struggle to make it for 10.30, but if it is 11.00 departure then no problem, I can make it by then. Otherwise I'll have to try and shuffle comitments around a bit.

I'm keeping an eye on the weather, if it looks like being wet I'll leave the Beast in the garage, and borrow Mrs H's MX5 ;)  ;)

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Just a thought. I have seen signs in Telford, saying midlands country & game fair on the weekend at Weston park
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Yep you should be okay in getting to the Bradford arm. I believe that Gooders wil be taking us all away from their towards Craven Arms?
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