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Westfield vs Robin Hood etc


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OK OK OK !!!!

I'm convinced, consider it done! :)

That's the second time today someone's recommended I look at that one particular car... think I might just do that.

Thanks for all the advice, much apprecated.

Pete :cool:

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I a friend of mine bought a Robin Hood despite my best attempts to persuade him otherwise.

I suggested that he contact a well known insurance broker (I wont say the name as I dont think its appropriate) and he was suprised to find out they insure just about any kit car apart from Robin Hoods.

I happened to speak to them a few days later about something unconnected and happened to mention this, the gist of the reply was they dont think RH's are very good and wont cover them because of various problems they have had and/or seen with them

Bearing in mind I'm a Caterham owner (and, no this isnt a windup from me - not this time anyway.... :devil: ) I would strongly recommend you to get a Westfield and not a Robin Hood.

My friend is pleased with his RH but even he admits its not very good.

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Go to kit car show....... :p

Look at RH`s.......... :0

Look at Westy`s....... :)

Consider what you`ve seen................ :blush:

Protect your investment, buy a Westy.

Note: Recent post in `cars wanted` was that all available Westy`s were sold and could anyone recommend/find one for sale  :D  :D  :D

Personal opinion only  :durr:

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1.What exactly is the difference between the two manufactures,

The answers to that one alone would take too long to type, but just consider the rational that each appears to have applied to carve their own niche in the market place. Bear in mind that both are replica cars, treading the footsteps of the seven.

The westfield offers a more cost effective alternative to the more politically correct and historically correct cccccccm seven. The rh is cheap.

The westfield offers performance  on a par with the c car and far exceeding the original seven. The rh is cheap.

Westfield offer, in spite of  few gliches, the best aftermarket service in the kitcar arena. The rh is cheap.

On a serious note, talk to anyone about RH's after and even pre sales service. Some real horror stories to behold, but the rh is cheap

If you want a car that upholds the seven philosophy, then buy a Westfield, C car, or one of several others that make a genuine atempt to produce a viable product to a  respectable standard.

If you don't care about such things, then buy a Robin B*****d, sorry, I mean Hood.

I live 8 miles from their unit and have visited with one or two people over the years. so far a 100% sucess rate, no one has bought one with my assistance.

but they are cheap.

:devil:  :devil:  :devil:


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Well, I don't know - I've been ten days now scouring the magz for the best Robin Hood ( :blush: ) and in one short day you guys have blown the lot!  :0

So, I guess that's about it, a Westy it is! To be honest, I daren't show my face in anything else!!!  :cool:

Thanks for all the advice and welcoming banter...


Time for bed.... :zzz:

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How about a Dax Rush ?  Very similar to Westfield in almost all respects.  Prices are even similar.

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