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Silverstone Stowe Circuit guide


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Does anyone have a map or track guide for the Silverstone Stowe circuit?  

I have tried watching Barneys video but i am so captivated by the car control I keep missing which way he's actually going!  :bangshead:

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Rode it at the weekend , what do you want to know specifically ?
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This is my fastest run from last year :blush:

I'm sure you'll be plenty faster than me but from memory:

out of the pitlane is slightly uphill and you need to say right and brake very deep for the hairpin (I got it right on the first lap in the video but very wrong for the second).  The back straight is pretty broken up down the middle so either stay left/right or straddle the middle for the chicane which is alot faster than it looks.  track position for the left hander at the end of the straight is critical as get the entry wrong and it will mess you up for the next 4 corners (again I got it right on the first lap but wrong second time).  

Overall it's a low-medium speed circuit, which flows nicely and is a pleasure to drive.

Edit to add map link note that last year we didn't run the fist chicane on the long back straight.

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I think its a very fast circuit!
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I think its a very fast circuit!

My car's slower than yours is :D:D

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Well get your foot down then :laugh:  :laugh:  :D
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A up Chris,stick your arms out and drive like an ape,you'll be fine :p  :p
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