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Have Faith in You Inventions


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gonna show that to a lad i work with - he lost half a finger on a table saw years back - looks like jeremy beadle now
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Call me a woossy but I only watched the first half of the video.

Still, while to many false-retracts would become very rapidly annoying, thats a dam good idea from somone whos seen the top 2mm taken off a finger on a planner-thickneser its not much fun.


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fookin brave man to have faith like that  , he must have knackers like a bull :0  :0  :0  :0
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I dont care how many times it was tested or worked you would not get me within a mile of it.

I could hardly watch the last bit :oops:

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Not wanting to be sceptical (skeptical for the US market :p ) but he put his digit in the saw very gingerly.

wouldn't you?

No! Mine wouldn't go anywhere near it, I've had enough trouble with hand-held power planers, Myford lathes, and lawn mowers!  :durr:

From now on I delegate test work. :p

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