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Build Frustration

Doug Dastardly

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So improve it then  <!--emo&;)  :D

What he said. Don't believe everything the build manual tells you and you don't have to build your car exactly how it tells you to. I (like most I'm sure) have made quite a few changes to how the manual tells you to build it.


I'm trying to think ahead and not blindly follow the manual but I'm pushing the boundries of my experience as it is, and I'm always worried that if I move something it'll either be in the way of something else later on or not be IVA compliant.

I can always change things later but I don't want to end up with too many holes in the chassis.

For example: I was planning to make a spacer for the inertia switch, but can I just put it on the rear face of where its meant to go? This would solve the problem but surely if it could go there , that's where everyone would put it? I can only presume that it'll be in the way of the fuel tank or boot box or something.

Its a steep learning curve :t-up:

If you're not sure about anything then I suggest you ask here first, this has helped me many times during my build.

I have the FW body and my inertia switch (Ford one) doesn't foul the boot box, I'll see if I've got a photo somewhere for you, if not I'll try and take one for you tonight.


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Matt, a photo would be good. I've read diaries where folk have fitted the switch to the rear then realised it's meant to go on the forward face and changed it. My problem is there is now an extra brace under that face.

For any other interested parties I think its time to let this thread fade away. Its turned into a bit of a build thread but the original title's not very inspiring! :D

I've almost got a rolling chassis, just need to fit tank (when I get one), finish fitting washer bottle and fit inertia switch.

Also need to torque suspension bolts when I take it off the stands and.............fit that bl**dy rubber bush into the lower steering column. I moved on from that because Mark at WF said it was better to fit engine first as there is not much clearance to the plenum chamber.

Can I torque sussie bolts now or do you need to finish the car (i.e. get it to full weight) before doing this?

Thanks for all the help so far and look out for a new topic on engine fitting and bodywork woes soon.

Only joking, I'm sure bodywork will be a doddle  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


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I'll be annoyed if your body is a doddle, mine was a right pain (sorry).


Take no notice of my fuel pump location as it's soon to be moved.


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