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Way O/T Peter Lynn Rebble 5.0m Traction Power Kite

Mark (smokey mow)

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O/T Peter Lynn Rebble 5.0m Traction Power Kite

4-line open cell foil kite for land based traction activities (buggying, boarding, scudding etc)
4.5m wingspan, 5.0sqm surface area.

Slow moving and stable design, suitable for intermediate skill levels.
New these retailed for £255, I still have the receipt and owners handbook for it.

No rips, tears or repairs.

Sale includes kite, handles, lines and rucksack.
For sale to you at £110
PM or email wsccessex@btinternet.com


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cool ! does it come with any wheels
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cool ! does it come with any wheels

:D You'll be wanting and engine on it next :D:D

It's an exhilarating ride on a mountain board, with a good cross shore wind behind you  :0:0

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cool ! does it come with any wheels

I have something which will suit this and has yes it does have wheels  ;)

and a free bump  :)

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Pew(the Cannock AO) has one of these and it's awesome !

If I wasn't saving the pennies for the Xmas holiday I would buy it!

Who ever does buy it do not let small children use it unless you anchor them to something very sustantial  :laugh:

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  • 4 years later...

BTTT, I've just realised that I still have this sat in the bottom of the wardrobe and I now need make some more room for shoes and clothes :oops::d 

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........ and I now need make some more room for shoes and clothes :oops::d


uh-oh  :o  :oops:  :d  :t-up:

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Good kites peter lynn. You still asking the same as in 2010? Must be worth it.

I've got a 2.8 elliot ekko I never fly now as well.

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Good kites peter lynn. You still asking the same as in 2010? Must be worth it.

I've got a 2.8 elliot ekko I never fly now as well.

they're cracking kites and much better value for money IMO than the flexifoils. I'm hanging onto my other kite a 2.5m Peter Lynn Pepper for now :)

I've dropped the price a bit since I originally advertised it but it hasn't been used since then :)

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A good kite is well worth spending money on. They're so much better to fly.

I also have smaller PKDs.

And a cheap decathlon one which is not worth the money :-(

I'm tempted by yours as I haven't got one that size, but I have too many purchases lined up for the Westie.

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Go on, you know you want to :d

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I had a 5m a kite by another brand and the power they can harness is frankly amazing.. Need a sensible hat on to ensure you don't break any bones! :)


Good price that.

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Even a 1.2 kite can drag you all over the beach and lift you into the air with the right wind! :)

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Even a 1.2 kite can drag you all over the beach and lift you into the air with the right wind! :)

you're not wrong :d

The thing I like about my bigger kites is that they move more slowly through the air and as such are more predictable in their behaviour. My smaller kite is faster and can potentially pull the same as the bigger kite, but can also get you into trouble quicker.

The 5m will fly in the lightest of breezes and only needs around 5-8mph winds to fly. it will happily drag you down the beech as in the above pic in anything over 15-20mph. I've flown in higher winds but it's bl**** dangerous unless you know what you're doing. As a 4-line kite the secondary brake lines offer security and the ability to position the kite exactly where you want it for maximum or minimum power, but you'll see that I still wear kite killers to bring it down quickly when everything starts to go wrong.

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BTTT, I've just realised that I still have this sat in the bottom of the wardrobe and I now need make some more room for shoes and clothes :oops::d

Oh dear, I can see what's going on here, there'll be a lot more clutter exiting the back door when  ?????? moves in.  Just tell ??????  the F4 parts are not  an old bathroom suite.

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