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Been looking at the chassis and I have noticed there are a few places where I will need to drill holes..... in places where my drill will not get in striaght.

I know I am being an idiot and not seeing the obvious....


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OK... to fit the front bulkhead panels I will need to drill into the top of the 90 degree bend. If I was to do that the bracketry for the pedals is in the way of the body of the drill.

With the drill I have (standard black & decker jobbie) the best I would be able to get is about 60% . I am fairly certain the rivets would look a bit naf if I put them in at that angle.

I thought about the idea of drilling without the panel in place as I can mark the holes through the pre drilled panel, but it is definatley the brackets that are in the way.

Hope that makes some kind of sense.

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Aye opp john :)

Are you having hi spec brakes fitted? ;)

HEHE if so i was down marts today sorting mine out and looking at yours, must say they look sweet in gold :)

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That is not fair.... I havn't seen em yet !!!!

I was looking at the blanks for the calipers when I was there, they are very well machined. I think with the gold anodised bells, it would be rude not to have the calipers the same.

Must say that Martin has been very helpful throughout the process and is well worth a call for anyone who is thinking about a set of 4 pots. I will let you all know how well they work ..... in about September 2004

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decide where you are going to run your brake/fuel lines and loom to the rear of the car and what fuel pipe you will use before you start to fit the ally panels!!!!! if you look at a part built car in the factory you will see what i mean! best tip is to drink lots of tea! look at it a lot and leave it and have a think about it and read some of the threads on pipe routeing :D and dont take the build manual as gospel! use it more as a reference!

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The only panels I am fitting before fuel and brake lines is the front bulkheads, this is so that I can have the master cylinder in place for brake pipe fitting.

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OK... to fit the front bulkhead panels I will need to drill into the top of the 90 degree bend. If I was to do that the bracketry for the pedals is in the way of the body of the drill.

I take it these are the ones on the underside of the top chassis section. If you haven't got a right angle drill then you just have to do the best you can. If you make the hole slightly larger than required you will be able to seat the rivet head flat and it should still provide a good enough fit when you pop your rivet.

You'll probably find there are some other holes you can't quite get at on the rear bulkhead too - that you can't get you rivet gun at either.

all the best

Mike :)

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You'll probably find there are some other holes you can't quite get at on the rear bulkhead too - that you can't get you rivet gun at either.

Seconded - I was screaming at the car/drill/rivet gun whilst trying to fit some of my panels :D

I found that a small hammer & large-head drift work wonders for smoothing down any rivet heads that aren't completely flat on the panel ;)

- Dan

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Obvious solution is to buy/hire /borrow a right angled drill. My solution was to take the chuck off my drill and put it onto my angle grinder, hey presto one angle drill. You have to be careful as unlike a drill which has a gentle trigger action the angle grinder is full power or nothing but it works. By the end though you will have arms like Arnie as the rivet gun will give you a real workout.

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Jeff does that angle grinder come drill chuck affair really work like,sounds feasable but is it a leg puller,balls im going to try it tommorrow :0

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Don't angle grinders typically rev at around 20K? Bit different to your run of the mill leccy drill, but does it matter? Presumably we're going to find out...

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have to say, started playing around today and found that my Dremel was fantastic with its extension set on. Gets into most places. Can only run 3.2mm drill bit, but a bit wiggling and your away.

What drill bits do you guys recommend. Gone through 3 already !!. Also, 4.1mm bits.... can only find 4mm and that causes a bit of messing.

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