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US F1 Grand Prix


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I have been watchin' F1 since the early seventies when I was just a snapper :0 >I've throughly enjoyed most of it through the years, but over the last 3 years etc it has become a PR exercise for the advertising companies and no matter how you dress a broadcast up, sunday's event was still a dull race with the usual outcome.

Over the last 2 seasons I've watched it less and less. Now my normal mode of viewing is watch the build up, start plus about 10 laps, switch on to something more interesting ,switch back about 20mins later for the fuel stops then watch a film  and come back for the last 5mins of the race. Alternatively watch the highlights as you see all the driver interviews without just getting the winners views of the race then they switch back to the studio to promote the up and coming football games !!

F1 is crap TV viewing and hasn't been good 4 a long time. Its now even worse since Murray's departure. Now I've got to endure that 'Muppet' James Allen's commentary... usually tryin' to impersonate   Murray.

I'm now a fan of the FedEx CART series, ok the Ovals are not so good as the street courses but it shows  what motor racing is all about i.e overtaking. Even the IRL series is getting better plus a lot of the CART teams are now defecting there.

Its nice to see Bernie "I've got my head up my A*** because F1 is so good, that I don't have to listern to anyone" Ecclestone has now realised his 'in-bred empire' is now showing signs of crumbling. I hope the kick up the A*** he's getting from this will make him implement changes that will make this sport great again.

What the changes will be? I don't know, but they must be wide, sweeping and varied

well I must step down off my soap box and go do some work

Buzz :(  :(

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I think they need to go back to manual gearchanges, get rid of traction control and make it so the drivers have to work a bit more and thus make mistakes hopefully = more overtaking.



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Being able to scrub off 100mph in about 2 meters doesn't give much hope for overtaking - ban carbon fibre brakes ! This would make the braking distance much longer, hence more opportunities to pass into the corners.

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ban carbon fibre brakes ! This would make the braking distance much longer, hence more opportunities to pass into the corners.

Not strictly true. Alex Zanardi had steel rotors fitted to his Williams to try and help him get to grips with the car. Williams did it because it had no effect on braking effort/performance. Had a big effect on unsprung weight, though..............

F1 goes around the technology/back to basics roundabout every few years. Just after Mansell won his World Championship, I thought they did away with many of the driver aids, including launch control, active suspension, and 2 way telemetry. They should have gone the whole hog back then and re-introduced a gear lever, and then stuck to it..........

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Well Said Blatman... bring back the old stick shift


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I think they should start with banning any aerodynamic aid, put the slicks back on, delete fuels stops and go for grids picked out of a hat. Traction control should also be banned.

Before these changes are made it will still be a yawn   :zzz:  :zzz:

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Gotcha Captain  :devil:  :D  Sergio Garcia didn't have too much trouble with the tenth  :devil:  :D  :)  :D

and Monty played all 18 absolutely fine  :D  :)

Lee Westwood the token Limey was "out of form" yet still on the winning team.

Whereas Tiger the worlds No. 1 - ah bless him - he needs to give matchplay a rest  :devil:  :D  :devil:

Not often we can gloat is it  :D  ;)  :D  :devil:  :devil:

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