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Surrey Area Meeting next Sunday


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Hi folks,

It's all change for our next meeting as we move from Tuesdays to Sundays from 13.00 onwards.

Members from outside the area are welcome to visit us as usual. If the Kent guys are back from their holidays, perhaps they will grace us with the esteemed presence?

Look forward to seeing you there next SUNDAY lunch time-ish.

P.s. - most of you missed a fab. Breakfast Blat this morning - where were you?

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I won't be able to be there as I am on the other side of the world but at least this should bump this thread back up to the top where it belongs.
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I won't be able to be there as I am on the other side of the world but at least this should bump this thread back up to the top where it belongs.

Worth a try. But only the Kent lot managed to make it (and in our westys). At leat we had a good time. Not like the driver of the articulated lorry who must have forgotten he wasn't in a westy and failed to negotiate the roundabout without ending up on its side.

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