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I think that you all know enough about these cars without the need for me to list all the details!


A magazine article written on the car stated:

"A ferrari F355 can't hold a candle to a F50 for sheer mind-warp acceleration, but you have to go up another league - maybe two - before you arrive at the Westfield FW400".

I can confirm this is so true! along with anybody that might have seen the car at Mallory last week.

Please contact me for any more details and questions regarding the car.

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would love to put that in the garage after long blats to the shops.... the shops been a minimum of 100 miles of course.

Good luck with the sale and someone is going to get one serious piece of kit...the lucky so and so's.  :t-up:

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A free bump, and all you've got to do is just satisfy my idle curiousity; I don't know anything about these cars, but I can see the photos, nice carbon tub, etc;

How many of these did Westfield make?

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