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Is Westfield right for me?

Scottie - NW

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  • Scottie - NW


I love my Westfield, best toy I've ever had, my original westie was to replace a GSXR 750 sports bike, I am now on my second project..............I really do love it - maybe I should get a room  :laugh:

Oh yeah would love some popcorn!


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I love a good thread drift.  ;)
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Back on topic!

A classic example of someone who wasn't technically minded/wasn't to keen to learn and bought a Westfield:






Look at the dates on the threads! - 9 months of ownership - I have seen it so many times!

It is in no way a criticsm of this owner and fair play to the chap; he's owned one and enjoyed it.

I do think it's important to let prospective purchasers know what they may be letting themselves in for.

If you want to play/tinker & learn then they are absolutely superb fun - I reckon I get at least as much pleasure tinkering as I do driving.

What I'm trying to say is if you are a car nut and have time/want to tinker and learn then a Westfield is superb and probably the best out there due to this forum/fit of parts etc.

On the other hand........

If you do not have time/have no inclination to get your hands dirty then think very hard about a Westfield.

The garage on the corner might not be able to help with problems.

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Fair point Nikpro, well made.

the only caveat i would add is that with the passing of time and the continued "progress" that the factory make, then the quality first time of the cars is getting better. Thinking back to my first, then yes getting home was a lottery, the new 1.6 corsa factory car has tried and tested everything including a locking glove box and stowage between the seats......Along the way i guess the expectations of some will not be met.

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Hi, I've just got back after a long weekend away with the little one, and wow - lots of replies :-)

Thanks for so many pointers, they are very helpful thoughts. Just to address some of them, I deliberately asked the question as to whether a Westfield was right for me, as opposed to are they good etc, in the hope it provided more impartial answers which I can see it has, thanks.

I guess my situation is different to a lot, who perhaps have a more sensible daily car that is reliable in the first place and requires no working on.

However, even though my 200sx has rarely me down in 5 years, I am aware that as I pass the 200bhp per litre mark, and make other changes to it, it will need to spend some time in the garage and off the road. Engine fitting, gearbox rebuild with OS Giken parts etc.

As much as I would love to work on the Westfield, I can't be in the position of having two cars and none available!! If I had a "normal" first car, I wouldn't even be asking this question, I'd be a in a Westfield already :-)

The Elise looks like it's ruling itself out, they seem a little overpriced for what they are, especially compared to the Vx220. The Caterham also seems to be over priced in my eyes.

I have seen some VX220 Turbos around the 10k mark or below, and I think the choice is coming down to one of these or a Westfield, is there anything else obvious I am missing?

The Mk3 MR2 is good, but just doesn't seem "special" enough if that makes sense.

I guess I need to get to some meets to see some more Westfields, shame none turn up any more to the NW piston heads with one this Thursday, and see some VX's.

I assume this timing will fit in nicely, as if I make the decision in the next few weeks prices tend to drop a lot into Oct and Nov don't they?

Thanks for your helpful replies so far.


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With your circumstances re - explained I would definately say 'go for the VX220'.

If you would be relying on the Westfield as everyday taransport I'd say you might quickly get fed up with it as the weather protection isn't that brilliant etc.

Some do use them everyday but it's not an option I would personally consider ..... they can also get quite scruffy, quite quickly if used everyday.


If yoou did buy a Westfield you may find that type of car then becomes the 'special' car and consider selling the nissan?

If you sold the Nissan you could have a sensible everyday car and a Westfield for the fun, modifying etc.

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If price is a factor, I would go for an MX5
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