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Mazda SDV clutch switch placement


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Morning chaps,

I'm nearing the end of my build, but the one job i kept bumping down the list of things to do is fitting the clucth switch, as i can't work out where to put it.

If there are any MX5 builders out there who have found a way to mount it, i would be most greatful if you could post a few pics, or a quick description.



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Mine is in a box somewhere at the back of the garage, you dont need it.

I believe it sends a signal to the ECU to let it know when the clutch is depressed so that it reduces the engine revs.  I haven't had any problems running the car without it.

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The clutch switch tells the ECU whether you have the clutch up or down. It combines this information with the neutral switch signal (so it knows if you are in or out of gear) and the throttle position sensor then decides whether to cut fuel to the injectors - thereby saving fuel.

1) If you are in gear with your foot off the clutch and no throttle opening - it cuts fuel (forward motion keeps the engine turning over).

2) If you are not in gear or have the clutch pedal depressed or have you foot on the throttle - it doesn't cut fuel.

You can run without the switch and the ECU will default to 2) and you won't save the fuel (if that matters to you).

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Thanks chaps, that's one less thing to worry about! (especially as some kind of bracket would have to of been fabricated and mounted onto the flor somewhere).

19 days to SVA and the body tub went on for the first time yesterday. I think i had better crack out the midnight oil!

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