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Surrey Area Meeting Next Sunday


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Hi folks, next Sunday, 8th March will be the next meeting of and hopefully, the current poor weather will have improved. Arrival time from 13.00 onwards at the Parrot Inn, Forest Green.

We welcome visitors from out of the area and because we need to make up the numbers yet again as I can't be there (think in terms of knee operation followed by DVT followed by emergency trip to hospital  :arse:  ), we are yet again extending a warm invitation to the boys from Kent to join us this month.

Sorry I can't be there but I hope you all have a good run out.

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Suuuurely an added V there?  :D

The phrase "get well soon" really does not cover it - but you know what I mean :t-up:

Unfortunately we won't make it - A Radar course beckons.... Hmmmmmmm, PRF!

Next time... and hopefully you'll make it too.


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Adam and I from Kent should hopefully be there.

Hope you feel better soon Steve.


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