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Tell us about your latest upgrade

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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I have had better days :down: got up at 5:30 to get to the dyno for 8:00 got there in good time and set about helping get the engine on the dyno. Cranked the engine up to get oil pressure and the pressure was up in seconds thanks to me priming the pump up first with grease. Next was to connect up the ignition and fire the car up. The car burst in to life almost instantly which pleased me no end. On running the engine we had a strange noise which was down to the belt tension not being quite tight enough to run with the Swindon cam belt in fill. The belt was touching the infill and making some strange noises. This was quickly sorted and on to the mapping of the engine. This was going well and we started mapping the low load sites up to 6000rpm. This was going well and we was seeing 180-185lbft at 5000-5500rpm. It was time to start mapping at just above 2/3 throttle when the second injectors would be used above 5000rpm and 2/3 throttle. The engine was mapped at 2/3 throttle and all seemed ok and it was taken to 5500rpm and is saw the torque climb to 185-190lbft at between 5000-5500rpm. The engine was dropped back to idle and thats when I knew there was a problem. The engine was breathing very heavy. We let the engine idle and blipped the throttle a few times to see if it would clear but no luck. A compression test was carried out and our worst fear was founded. Compression was down on cylinder three next to b****r all. So load the engine back up in the truck at 1:30 and get the engine back to my workshop by 4:00 the engine was stripped and all was evident cylinder three had run lean and b******d  piston and bore. Our best guess is the the outer injector on cylinder three may be faulty and caused the cylinder to run lean.  I need to get the injectors tested to see for sure but if it is b******d I will not be happy as the injectors are new. Still the engine is now getting to a high state of tune and things do go wrong :down: the biggest b****r  is I will miss the first event as there is no time left to sort the engine.


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ahh bad luck there .... more expense
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Thanks chaps the bore is not looking great but I will send it to the engineer to see what he wants to do. May just need a hone fingers crossed
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Yes it will all the signs are good the engine is making excellent torque. And I dont give up easy so onwards and upwards. Just p****d off about missing the first sprint.
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my latest upgrade ... visited Woolies (trim people) and purchased some edging trims to stop those b****y annoying squeeks and rattles from the bodywork

has to be said the car is running sorta rattle free now - much with the little bit of effort

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Fitted a full tank of fuel and some electricity and thrashed the pants off it.  Cracking fun :t-up:

Then I removed the taped on bonnet and refitted the rest of the bodywork.

Next upgrade is cleaning it, maybe.

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Right update time been to see the engineer today and he has honed the block and we are happy with it. I hope to have a replacement piston by Wednesday build the engine and get it back on the dyno by Friday all being well. So fingers crossed.
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I've nearly finished:

MG Midget, new clutch and hydraulics plus a few cosmetic bits plus a new 12" Moto-Lita leather wheel (for the shortarse aka HM aka Lynne)

Caterham: Oil and filter change (includes removing d/s tank, oil cooler, oil thermo and oil pipes to clean through), new cam belt, new n/s/r hub bearing (nearly ended in disaster when the nut stripped when being removed, but saved the drive shaft). I've also got a new throttle pedal so the Mk 374 model can now be binned. And the new Rebel bike speedo (yet to be fitted).

But best bit is the new, white oil pressure  and temperature gauges. Nightmare to fit the oil pipe as Think adapters were too long and the pipe was rubbing on the steering column. There solution didn't work as the right angle wouldn't turn as it's too close to the oil pump housing. So, the "might come in handy" boxes were disgorged and 2 unions were found to get the pipe coming out the side and the switch out the end. All fits a treat now,

And the gauges look great. (and are accurate being mechanical)

Oh, nearly forgot the new fuel gauge sender unit. Only problem with that is the gauge still goes E to F in a high speed jig. Even though the old senders centre post was broken away from the body due to weight from stuff in the boot. So, it's down to finding the bad connection.

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Winter Project nearly finished:


It's made me seriously think about selling the Westfield - Anybody know someone that wants a decently specced 2.0L Zetec Westfield ATM or should I hang on to it until prices recover a bit?

Just can't see me using it again and it's an expensive piece of Garage jewellery!

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Quick Release Steering Wheel Boss

Well Please, No Welding needed  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:


(Steering Wheel not fully pushed on)



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Mines finally on the road after 3 years. :D

New carbon aero screen

New carbon dash with thoses glitzy Savage switches wih adjustable LED lighting

New bonnet (ex drove off with old one un latched!)

Set of R888's

New MOT (horray it passed)

New 6 months tax

New carbon vinyl Westfield sticker where spare once was

Wash and polish

Nothing like as much as some of you, but as its been said, the wallet is shalower than the wish list

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