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Terry Everall

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Best of luck then, look forward to seeing the new roll-over bar and new cage :D
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Thank you.

As say, the roll bar is first and then look to see if develop a Cage, as soon as the supplier has something I think people will wish to see I will do another thread.

And just in case anyone thinks I have a commercial interest or any financial gain, I dont - I am merely helping out a supplier who expressed an interest to do this and as everyone had commented on the Westfield RAC type bar, I have said I will support and convass peoples opinion when they have something to show and hopefully it will give the best of both worlds to those who want a safe and also a competition legally safe Bar or ultimately cage

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If the roll hoop is to get proper approval the Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA) can approve the design. They have a department that specifically deals with this. Its a simple process, it just needs Westfield to give them some money.
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to reserect this, but I am still concerned about the possible changes next year. If the factory "RAC" rollbar is ok for next season for classes A-D then it should be ok for classes E & F. At least that should be so for cars built before this year.

Classes E & F are after all road going classes just as much as A-D.

If my car was a competition car rather than a road going car I wouldn't have an issue, but it is a road going car. To fit a braced rollbar without removable rear braces would mean scrapping the boot box. I wouldn't need a boot box if the car was just for competition, but as a road going car I need the boot box, to put tools for emergency roadside repairs in. Also as a road car without a spare wheel I need to carry a tyre emergency inflation kit as a get-me-home aid if I have a puncture. Where does the MSA suggest we put such things if we have to scrap the bootbox?

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Your not suggesting that the MSA actually considers things like spare & tools are you ? When they make rules where you can have a road legal car without a CAT, but to race you have to fit a CAT !! So don't expect the rules to have any common sense about them, unfortunatley.

However the one bit of common sense that we are waiting for and is expected is that road going cars are going to be abllowed to run on 1B tyres. This will as you say mean that classes E&F will NOT fall under the usual mod prod categories. So the roll over bar specs will be as per Roadgoing.

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Your not suggesting that the MSA actually considers things like spare & tools are you ? When they make rules where you can have a road legal car without a CAT, but to race you have to fit a CAT !! So don't expect the rules to have any common sense about them, unfortunatley.

However the one bit of common sense that we are waiting for and is expected is that road going cars are going to be abllowed to run on 1B tyres. This will as you say mean that classes E&F will NOT fall under the usual mod prod categories. So the roll over bar specs will be as per Roadgoing.

does that mean the 1A tyred classes will be no more?

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No Mark,

The MSA are defining Categories not classes. So individual clubs can define several classes in a Category. So for example we will use our class rules to define the existing A,B,C,D,E,F classes which will all run in the Road Going Specialist Production Cars Category.

We will then have our normal rules for A to D, ie 1A tyres and windscreen. E&F 1B.

But do note that the engines in this Catogory there must have been at least 5000 made  :D

The more you get into, actually the less there is to worry about, it does actually make some sense. And as I have said before it will become clearer this year as we progress. Initeresting to note, not scrutineering problems at North Weald :D:D let's hope that continues and all the doom and gloomers end up with nothing to worry about.

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Re North Weald scrutineering, following discussions with Borough 19 comp secretary (I'm a B19 Member :t-up: ) about the gray areas for roll bars, they decided to stick to last years reg where a rollbar is recommended for Road Going Production Categories on 1B tyres.

As an example, Greenbelt regs for the 26th April state C31-35 or C36 is required if running 1B tyres, but thats not on the WSCC championship.

Edited to say - Can't see the pictures anymore, but think I rember that Matt was running "Westfield RAC rollbar" in the modifiied class and presume didn't have any problems either. So maybe common sense will prevail ???  until sorted out.


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Matt was running "Westfield RAC rollbar"

Nope, that is not an off the shelf readily available WSC Ltd roll-bar  ;)  ;)  :down:  :)

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Hi Pete,

Thanks for the info. We are all waiting for the 1B tyres regs to be made public, this then sorts out our classes A to F.

Matt's car actually runs an SBD rollbar, but definatley not a full cage, so good to see a bit of common sense being applied. :D:D

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In the latest HSA magazine there is an article saying that 3 point harnesses are no longer allowed for 2009 and must be replaced by 4 point. HAs anyone else heard of this before now? Could affect some of the older cars

PS - I have 4 point already

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I think it depends in what class  ;)  ;)  :D for 2009  ???  ???  ???
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  • 3 weeks later...

All - Thats makes it "10" Orders so that completes the Bulk Buy

Phil (BMS Engineering) is now kicking off the manufacture of the Roll Bar Hoops.  

All orders placed after today will be at the "full price" which in all fairness is an absolute bargain still, given the benefit of what you get you get for your money.

So, all orders placed todate, first "10" now qualify for the Bulk Buy Discount each. Well done all.

Again, thank you all who have helped and those who have placed an order for the Bulk Buy.

 :D  :D  :D  **BULK BUY CLOSED**  :D  :D  :D

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