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Exhaust Catalytic Converter Question


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Hi Folks,

I have this exhaust -


Is there anyway to tell from the outside if it has a catalytic converter in it?

I've just read an old post that suggested that all speedsports came with a cat equipped exhaust as standard. I highly suspect that this is the original exhaust aswell.

Thanks. :)

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Sirius hi,

If you take the tail pipe off with a bit of pulling and look inside the cat will look like a square honey combe if you can see straight through then it has no cat,



oh, and will have to arange a blat soon as im in crowthorne :)

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Thanks Dan will have a go tomorrow. Just fitted a bench vice - looks like I will get to test it out in anger for the first time :)

Yes need to arrange a meet I'm busy most of this weekend - maybe an evening during the week?

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From the look of the colour, I'd say there is a cat in it. My original had a cat an looked exactly the same, but my new one without a cat isn't discoloured on the can.
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Agreed, it looks like the current standard factory silencer, which has a cat in the front end of the can. If you cant get the end pipe off easily, take a long piece of wire, with the end doubled back on itself (to make it blunt so it doesn't snag) and GENTLY poke it into the front pipe (ie the one which connects to the manifold) and if it only goes about as far as the lenghth of the front pipe it is more than likely a cat silencer. If on the other hand it goes some distance into the can then it would seem not to have a cat inside.
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